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Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Ah, sorry. When you said she helped you get the bike on the carrier, I assumed she got off the bus to physically help you lift the bike up to the rack.

Tony Adams 7 mi (dirtbag hipstr) said:

She didn't get off the bus and I didn't say anything about getting off the bus in my email, so let's hope that her manager does not have Adam Herstein level reading in between the lines skills. :)

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

Uh oh. You might have just gotten the driver in trouble — they're not supposed to get off the bus to help load a bike (or for any other reason).

Tony Adams 7 mi (dirtbag hipstr) said:

Gene's recumbent sort of resembles a paddle boat. Thanks for the pics of the flooding!

Contents of my email to the CTA this morning:

I was kind of stranded - I didn't want to leave my broken bike locked up all day. The 24 Wentworth came to my rescue. Driver 34413 went above and beyond to help me get the bike (which didn't quite fit due to a front cargo rack on the bike) on the carrier and let me know when it appeared to be slipping off center. She could have been crabby about all this and it would have been understandable. But instead she was a ray of sunshine on an otherwise quite rainy morning. Keep up the great work.

Either my cog or hub is stripped - or both. wah! Resolutions:

1. Always carry a lockring wrench

2. Stop thinking I'm too cool to leave a freewheel mounted on the freewheel side of my flip flop hub.  

There's ANOTHER recumbent out there?  I was feeling like the Lone Ranger.

Tony Adams 7 mi (dirtbag hipstr) said:

Gene's recumbent sort of resembles a paddle boat. Thanks for the pics of the flooding!

Contents of my email to the CTA this morning:

I was kind of stranded - I didn't want to leave my broken bike locked up all day. The 24 Wentworth came to my rescue. Driver 34413 went above and beyond to help me get the bike (which didn't quite fit due to a front cargo rack on the bike) on the carrier and let me know when it appeared to be slipping off center. She could have been crabby about all this and it would have been understandable. But instead she was a ray of sunshine on an otherwise quite rainy morning. Keep up the great work.

Either my cog or hub is stripped - or both. wah! Resolutions:

1. Always carry a lockring wrench

2. Stop thinking I'm too cool to leave a freewheel mounted on the freewheel side of my flip flop hub.  

Look for Gene and his camera on the LFP and in the park most mornings.  He is on the recumbent trike with a lovely flamingo waving above his head.  And it does look a bit like a paddle boat (sorry Gene), but believe me he would have been very wet had he "paddled" through that lake in his photo.
Rich Evans said:

There's ANOTHER recumbent out there?  I was feeling like the Lone Ranger.

Tony Adams 7 mi (dirtbag hipstr) said:

Gene's recumbent sort of resembles a paddle boat. Thanks for the pics of the flooding!


A flamingo?  Likin' you better and better, Gene.  I thought I was edgy for sporting a Welsh dragon (Ddraig Goch for all you Taffs) flag on mine. 

Das Paddelboot mit flamingo:

My Ride - 2009 Ice Trike T

occasionally..Not as often as I'd like.  your foliage photos remind me of Miksang Photography

Gene Tenner said:

Ann, thank you for the kind words and for asking. I like compacts for my photography, not only on my bike for obvious lightweight, portability issues but also at work where I can slither through a construction site without banging it around. My little Canon S95 outperforms all the singe lens reflex cameras that are collecting dust on my shelf. It is a remarkable, dent-ridden machine that does all the things automatically that I used to remember how to do. You photograph?

Ann Sch 9.3 said:

Gene, lovely pics.  What are you using?

You honor me, Ann. Our concepts of art are very similar, although I am still learning.

Ann Sch 9.3 said:

your foliage photos remind me of Miksang Photography

Hell yes.

Beautiful morning.

I've been seeing a lot of recumbents lately.  And not just Gene over and over. There was a pack of three getting on the lakefront trail at Ardmore last week, and plenty more ambling around in the afternoons.

The result of a cool, wet mating season.

Tricolor said:

I've been seeing a lot of recumbents lately.  And not just Gene over and over. There was a pack of three getting on the lakefront trail at Ardmore last week, and plenty more ambling around in the afternoons.

Well, there's an image I won't soon be able to get rid of...

Gene Tenner said:

The result of a cool, wet mating season.

Tricolor said:

I've been seeing a lot of recumbents lately.  And not just Gene over and over. There was a pack of three getting on the lakefront trail at Ardmore last week, and plenty more ambling around in the afternoons.


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