Nice first ride in the COLD.


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C'mon Mother Nature, you can do it . . .

Ooooo, good idea.  Maybe if we encourage her a bit she will make it over that forecast later in the week for 50s again. :-)

Still--awfully nice ride this morning.  Thinking of moving the last of the winter clothes to the other closet.

To the guy that picked a piece cardboard that dropped out of my pannier and caught up with me to hand it back. A big thanks!

Makes me feel better about humanity...

Spring has sprung, at least in Gene's photos!
Gene Tenner said:

Lovely morning.  I can't understand why there were so few commuters along the lake, though.

I was running a bit late today since I didn't catch up to Gene before Chicago Ave (at least I think it's Gene).

There were a lot of commuters down Lincoln/Wells. Maybe that's where they were.

There were a ton of us on LFP this morning.  Nice to see.  

What a beautiful morning.

Tricolor said:

Lovely morning.  I can't understand why there were so few commuters along the lake, though.

I was running a bit late today since I didn't catch up to Gene before Chicago Ave (at least I think it's Gene).

Finally, a morning without wind.

Yes. Lovely day!  AND, now I get to stop by Green City Farmers Market on my way in to work on Wednesdays!!!


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