Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Spring Classic Ride in Crystal Lake this morning.  Fish Tacos at the end!

Rode to the Newberry and back, taking the long way a bit through the park.  Did you know there are nesting Night Herons there?  I saw some in a tree on just northwest of the standing Lincoln statue, and a fellow (on a bike) who was also stopped told me there are a bunch more on the north side of LaSalle Drive.  Very cool to see these huge birds up in the trees.  With our cold weather there are no leaves yet, so you can really see them.  

Can you imagine--the cyclist did not know about the Chainlink!

For more bike ride photos from today, click here.

On Sunday I rode to the northwest burbs for a family thing. I had always wanted to try the path on Rte. 22 that goes for miles and miles. I started west at Telegraph Rd and rode to Barclay. The path was great with two exceptions. You have ride o. Rte. 22 where it crosses I 94. Also, the path was flooded for about 100 yards as it went over the Des-Plaines River. I had to portage on the lip of a bridge. I lost the magnet sensor on my front wheel as I went by/throgh some brush


Cyclists coming out of hibernation in droves today!  A beautiful morning for a ride.

Nice workout southbound on LFT this morning.  I hope the wind doesn't reverse for the trip home though...

one less layer!

Yes, nice ride!

Just assume that it is going to reverse, and be pleasantly surprised when it doesn't.

I got some smiles and waves from new bikers on the morning commute. I for one, am glad to have their presence and attitude.  

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

Nice workout southbound on LFT this morning.  I hope the wind doesn't reverse for the trip home though...

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

I think today may be the day that I commute the whole way from the office to my home (15.5 miles.)

I'm super excited and putting together a cue sheet for the ride back home.

I have found that riding through the winter has given me a false sense of superiority over the new crop of riders that have recently sprung up now that the weather is warming. Always good to remind myself that the more bikes, the better, for all of us, even if the bike lanes get "crowded." And I am the first one to start encouraging my coworkers to try bike commuting.

But why, W.H.Y., have I seen so many no-helmet-iPod-wearing people lately? If you can't hear me passing you, you are a danger to yourself and others!


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