Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I think the prospects of a slightly nicer day brought some people out of the woodwork. On my train ride to work, I noticed 3 other bikes I had not seen in a while (or ever?) already bungeed down.

Heck, if it actually gets to 57 degrees like the weather says, I may actually attempt to ride the whole 15.5 miles from work back home!

Oh! I am also super excited I was to finally swap back on my clipless pedals from the platforms I had been using since November or so. Makes my riding a lot more enjoyable.

Nice riding today.

Beautiful commute home with a godly tailwind.

no gloves!!!

Still chilly in the mornings, but yesterday afternoon it was pretty crowded.  This morning there were more bikes headed into town than I've seen all winter.

The rush has begun, lets all keep Jenn's happy thoughts and smile and wave at each other! 

Also, it is much easier to go fast in the warmth of the sun. I almost plowed myself into two garbage trucks over the last 3 days. :P

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I was intending to ride today. The first warm(er) weather we've had in a while, only to be thwarted by some pretty strong winds. Curse you, Red Baron!

Got some miles in on the Salt Creek Bicycle Trail with the family today. Very nice: Linky

Weather permitting, we'll hit it again tomorrow.

40+ miles to the Botanic Garden and back. Return trip against the wind. Much harder, but it was great to be out.


Soaked... But a wonderful ride!


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