Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Will - Did you get a tube?? I have a 700x23-25 (We work at the same place/floor) if you need it. 

Sheesh. That sounds absolutely horrific. I don't know if he would be able to help but pedal to the people (773 three five five 0882) might have been able to get to ya. Still remember a couple of weeks ago run walking bike dragging cause of chain issues.

Will G - 10mi said:

I had a tire blowout on the way in today. Luckily I had a $10 bill to temporarily patch the busted tire and an extra tube....

Except my spare tube had a hole in it, good thing that I had my patch kit...

Except that I couldn't get the patch to cure/seal in the cold (?)....on either one of my 2 tubes....

It's only 7:40, no bike shops open for at least another hour or so....guess I need to hop on the bus...

I left my CTA ChicagoCard at home...

Ugh, ended up hailing an SUV cab and taking it the rest of the way into work. I almost rage quit my day by going home and using a PTO day instead. I was SO frustrated. The frustration was compounded by the fact that I couldn't get any of the other bike commuters riding past to stop and help (!!). All I needed was a tube (third ones a charm?), I would have given someone $10 for it. One nice older gentlemen stopped and offered his patch kit, but by then I had already burned through my own patches. Patches on patches never work.

Not feeling the bike commuter solidarity today.

Jenn, thanks for the offer but I think at this point I am just going to sit tight until I get a new tire too, the gash is pretty big. I have the bike locked up inside so I feel good leaving it there until I can get a tire too. I do really appreciate the offer though!

Jenn_5.5 mi said:

Will - Did you get a tube?? I have a 700x23-25 (We work at the same place/floor) if you need it. 

There's a Trek store on Michigan around Harrison that I've used for daytime emergencies before.  Probably not so handy unless you're around the south part of the loop, but there it is.

There is a secret bike room. Talk to building management. You should be able to get a key, sometimes they are reluctant, be pushy about it, tell them to go and see how full that room really is, be persistent. Let me know what they say. (The problem is that it really isn't that big, if we squeezed though we could probably fit 20 or so bikes in there?)

Also, I decided to try to make it home last night with a dollar bill and piece of thin cardboard over the gash inside my tire and a borrowed tube. I made it to Cozy's on Erie, bought three new tubes, and then made it all the way to Clark and Diversey before having another blow out. I change tubes and made it ONLY. 3. BLOCKS. before blowing out again. I called myself an idiot for even trying, hung my head, and carried my bike to the red line. Swapped out tires when I got home and made it in without a problem this morning.

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

As a nosey office mate, mind if I ask where you found this secure indoor parking? I promise that I'm not trying to steal your bike.

Will G - 10mi said:

Jenn, thanks for the offer but I think at this point I am just going to sit tight until I get a new tire too, the gash is pretty big. I have the bike locked up inside so I feel good leaving it there until I can get a tire too. I do really appreciate the offer though!

Cameron - If you get in there take pictures!!! I wanna see this magical place! As much as Liz (and I) bugged building management (through Poor Olga) about the racks before they were replaced, you think it might come up.

**It is not like there isn't space for it in the building. There is so much wasted space in the basement - IMO.

Jenn, I encourage you to talk to building management too (again?). They seem to fold under pressure, point out to the that the room isn't even close to being used to it's full potential.

Jenn_5.5 mi said:

Cameron - If you get in there take pictures!!! I wanna see this magical place! As much as Liz (and I) bugged building management (through Poor Olga) about the racks before they were replaced, you think it might come up.

**It is not like there isn't space for it in the building. There is so much wasted space in the basement - IMO.

I've also pestered Glenstar several times.  I knew of the room for a while, but despite maybe 10 attempts to ask for a key I have been continuously denied.  For how much of the building we occupy and how much we spend on other extra curricular activities you'd think springing to pay for a bike facility would be a drop in the bucket.  I bet with a good rack layout you could easier accommodate most of the current regular bike commuters in the rood. 

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

Last time I talked to building management about the bike room (it was probably about a year and half ago) the story alternated between they're not giving out new keys because it's too full, and they're discontinuing it because it's too dangerous since you have to enter through the parking ramp. Talking directly to Glenstar about anything bike related is an exercise in frustration. Going through Olga did get results on replacing the terrible picket fence racks. Could you send me pictures is this mythical bike room (I'm the only Cameron in the corporate directory if you'd rather email them). In addition to the wasted space in basement, most of the mezzanine (everything except Glenstar's office, and the upper level of CVS) has been vacant the entire time I've worked here, the building has a ton of unused space.

Will G - 10mi said:

Jenn, I encourage you to talk to building management too (again?). They seem to fold under pressure, point out to the that the room isn't even close to being used to it's full potential.

Jenn_5.5 mi said:

Cameron - If you get in there take pictures!!! I wanna see this magical place! As much as Liz (and I) bugged building management (through Poor Olga) about the racks before they were replaced, you think it might come up.

**It is not like there isn't space for it in the building. There is so much wasted space in the basement - IMO.

Yep - my fiance just last week.  Pushed him into the side of a bus, but thankfully, he was able to stay upright and ride against it before regaining control.

Chi Lowe 12.5+ mi said:

 Everyone I know in the cycling community knows someone who was doored on Milwaukee.

Do we all work for the same people? I'll take some pictures the next time I am in there. It's wide open right now, it's a little more full in the summer.

Liz said:

I've also pestered Glenstar several times.  I knew of the room for a while, but despite maybe 10 attempts to ask for a key I have been continuously denied.  For how much of the building we occupy and how much we spend on other extra curricular activities you'd think springing to pay for a bike facility would be a drop in the bucket.  I bet with a good rack layout you could easier accommodate most of the current regular bike commuters in the rood. 

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

Last time I talked to building management about the bike room (it was probably about a year and half ago) the story alternated between they're not giving out new keys because it's too full, and they're discontinuing it because it's too dangerous since you have to enter through the parking ramp. Talking directly to Glenstar about anything bike related is an exercise in frustration. Going through Olga did get results on replacing the terrible picket fence racks. Could you send me pictures is this mythical bike room (I'm the only Cameron in the corporate directory if you'd rather email them). In addition to the wasted space in basement, most of the mezzanine (everything except Glenstar's office, and the upper level of CVS) has been vacant the entire time I've worked here, the building has a ton of unused space.

Will G - 10mi said:

Jenn, I encourage you to talk to building management too (again?). They seem to fold under pressure, point out to the that the room isn't even close to being used to it's full potential.

Jenn_5.5 mi said:

Cameron - If you get in there take pictures!!! I wanna see this magical place! As much as Liz (and I) bugged building management (through Poor Olga) about the racks before they were replaced, you think it might come up.

**It is not like there isn't space for it in the building. There is so much wasted space in the basement - IMO.

For more bike ride photos from today, click here.

Finally bike weather!!


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