Nice first ride in the COLD.


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It was nice this morning.  I'm a little concerned about what this evening will bring...

It was not as cold this morning as I was fearing. I'm a bit concerned about the snow this afternoon, and with the temperature dropping below freezing, all the roads becoming iced over.

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

Chickened out not because of the morning commute but what this evening's iced over commute will probably be...

Where's the snow already?  I don't want to ride in this blattering crap!

Take a look out the window...

Tricolor said:

Where's the snow already?  I don't want to ride in this blattering crap!

yea it is going to be a fun ride home


Was not bad.

Deet 4.5mi said:

yea it is going to be a fun ride home


Really was not too bad.  The wind on the side streets was only occasionally difficult and the pavement was just wet.  The sharp snow in my face was not my favorite, though.

I liked it.  A little snow here, a little there and no salt on the trail.  There was still some nasty black gunk that came off the frame when I dried it, though.

The City salted the heck out of everything overnight.  The bridge on Kinzie had so much salt that it actually caught my tire! :-)  Not complaining.  Better that than ice.  For whatever reason, the bridge over Dearborn did not seem bad, but I think I could have walked it over faster than I rode.  Ditto, Mr. Lowe.

isn't it a funny thing.... just how different you view weather?  I find it quite liberating and empowering what we can do with the right tips.

Chi Lowe 12.5+ mi said:

I rode, and yes, I plan to ride tomorrow.  So, so happy to have Chainlinkers in my life who have taught me how to dress/gear for winter on a bike.  I used to dread going outdoors at all in this kind of weather.  Now I look forward to it.


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