Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Got to the Daley Center about 7:20--amazing how much less traffic there is at that time than at 8:00.  Nice to see so many folks at the Active Trans event.

Gene, you missed one of the best sunrises that I have ever seen this morning.  I wish I had gotten a photo of it

Gene Tenner said:

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

I rode, but I somehow totally forgot about the event. I do stop for free coffee! 

I know. I know. I was working as hard as I could to get to some open space to get what little color was left in the sky as it was. I should have begun my commute earlier. Another day.
Mark said:

Gene, you missed one of the best sunrises that I have ever seen this morning.  I wish I had gotten a photo of it

Chicago biking!  love it!

All nice but the middle shot with the two trees and the statue is a lovely post card.

Gene Tenner said:

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

Rode this morning, afternoon and night. You've got to love such nice weather in January, to bad Monday and Tuesday are going to be bitter cold.

For more bike ride photos from today, click here.

Yes. Overdressed. May be right outfit for tomorrow.

I was dressed right. Nice ride in.

First time in probably a few years that I saw not a single bicyclist on my commute, not even on the famed hipster highway called Kinzie. I guess it is the weather combined with MLK day?

I didn't see anyone till I got to Dearborn but I was later than normal due to my child's holiday.

My 7-year-old rode 1/2 mile to the Y today (and complained the whole way despite all 4 layers of clothing!).

I think I had my layers right. I did go sock/plastic bag/sock/boot which seems to work well for my feet. My thighs go a little chilly about 4 miles into my ride, so I might have to adjust my layers for tomorrow. 

I honestly had a very pleasant ride today!! 

For more bike commute photos from today when I saw only 3 other cyclists on the lakefront trail, click here.


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