The Chainlink

Nice first ride in the COLD.


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It's not the lube, the brakes or the tires. 

It's the wind and/or your body having to work harder because it is moving the bike and keeping you warm.  There is also a mental factor where when you are cold and miserable it seems like you are moving slower and it takes longer to get where you need to be.

Morgan 6 mi said:

Foofy q. 6 - Yep, that is my feeling as well. Are we running the wrong lubricants in our wheels at these temps? I took my ride in because it felt like something was dragging. Brakes were not binding. I figured my hubs were too tight. Tires had plenty of air. Nope. All good.

A silly amount of automotive traffic this morning...refreshing cool spray in the face on the way home tonight.

Several times over the last week I've got a whif of frigid evening air and caught myself idly thinking "winter is coming."

Then I remember it's January...

and today its in the 50s....

h' 1.0 said:

A silly amount of automotive traffic this morning...refreshing cool spray in the face on the way home tonight.

Several times over the last week I've got a whif of frigid evening air and caught myself idly thinking "winter is coming."

Then I remember it's January...

Yes, and I am going to whine about it, too!  Last night, when the weather radar was showing rain all over the place, I had on the baseball cap with nice big visor under helmet, glasses, rain pants, tall boots.  Did it rain on me as I rode home?  No, of course not.  So this morning the weather radar has no green blobs in the area, and I look out the window and it's not raining.  Where are the rain pants--in the closet. Where is the nice baseball cap--in the closet.  Where are the tall boots--in the closet.  What happens when I get a half-mile from home--IT STARTS RAINING.  And everything not covered by my jacket was soaked through by the time I got to work.  The only silver lining is that I have a change of work clothes here and a hair dryer.

same for me, lucky i had a change of clothes. The warm rain was kind of nice once i got over the fact that i was going to be soaked.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Yes, and I am going to whine about it, too!  Last night, when the weather radar was showing rain all over the place, I had on the baseball cap with nice big visor under helmet, glasses, rain pants, tall boots.  Did it rain on me as I rode home?  No, of course not.  So this morning the weather radar has no green blobs in the area, and I look out the window and it's not raining.  Where are the rain pants--in the closet. Where is the nice baseball cap--in the closet.  Where are the tall boots--in the closet.  What happens when I get a half-mile from home--IT STARTS RAINING.  And everything not covered by my jacket was soaked through by the time I got to work.  The only silver lining is that I have a change of work clothes here and a hair dryer.

Click here for a few more bike ride photos on a day when the weather knuckleheads predicted light, spotty drizzle here and there, and I rode in a steady rain, got soaked to the skin but stayed warm anyhow.

At least the rain made for a few pretty pictures.

I'm pretty stoked to have a clothes dryer at the office for days like today.  Temperature was too tempting to not ride in but like Lisa noted it wasn't exactly drizzle...

Clothes dryer? Really?  And I thought I had it good!  Although my wool slacks could not go into a clothes dryer anyway.  They are just laid out on the heaters along with my gloves.

Yep, I have to say that we have it made. 


More than half of our folks ride to work most days.  It wouldn't happen unless the owners fully supported two-wheeled commuters.


But until other places figure it out, we all do what we have to do...  Cheers.

For more bike ride photos from today, click here.

I believe I saw a thread involving "winter riding, what did you learn" but that inquiry provides no results. For GOD SAKES! Make sure your rim is free of ice. It was one of those mist type freezing rains. Even though I cover my bike with a tarp I rode to a soup kitchen, went for the brakes and nothing. OMG! OH NO! HEEEEELLLLLP! AHHHHHHHH! I'm still here and so are all of you. Thank goodness.


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