Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I have to take issue with your interpretation of Zen. Zen is the opposite of auto-pilot.

Gene Tenner said:

'Twas a Zen ride. Be grateful for it.

Manny Fuentes, 9.2 mi. said:

Is it wrong that I don't really remember my commute home last night?

I meant it as a meditative state that some cyclists enter into from time to time.

From Wikipedia: The word Zen is derived from the Japanese pronunciation of the Middle Chinese word 禪 Dzyen (Modern Mandarin: Chán), which in turn is derived from the Sanskrit word dhyāna,[3] which can be approximately translated as "absorption" or "meditative state".[4]

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

I have to take issue with your interpretation of Zen. Zen is the opposite of auto-pilot.

Maybe not just a chest cold?

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:

Day 2 w/out biking.  Damn chest cold.

I feel like if the temp is below 20 I'm so much slower on my bike. Anyone else feel that way? I keep checking my wheels to see if my brake pads are rubbing on them but it seems to be me alone. :(

It was windy headed south along the lake today.  I just hope it doesn't change direction.

For a few more bike commute photos from today, click here.

It's not the lube, the brakes or the tires. 

It's the wind and/or your body having to work harder because it is moving the bike and keeping you warm.  There is also a mental factor where when you are cold and miserable it seems like you are moving slower and it takes longer to get where you need to be.

Morgan 6 mi said:

Foofy q. 6 - Yep, that is my feeling as well. Are we running the wrong lubricants in our wheels at these temps? I took my ride in because it felt like something was dragging. Brakes were not binding. I figured my hubs were too tight. Tires had plenty of air. Nope. All good.

and today its in the 50s....

h' 1.0 said:

A silly amount of automotive traffic this morning...refreshing cool spray in the face on the way home tonight.

Several times over the last week I've got a whif of frigid evening air and caught myself idly thinking "winter is coming."

Then I remember it's January...

Yes, and I am going to whine about it, too!  Last night, when the weather radar was showing rain all over the place, I had on the baseball cap with nice big visor under helmet, glasses, rain pants, tall boots.  Did it rain on me as I rode home?  No, of course not.  So this morning the weather radar has no green blobs in the area, and I look out the window and it's not raining.  Where are the rain pants--in the closet. Where is the nice baseball cap--in the closet.  Where are the tall boots--in the closet.  What happens when I get a half-mile from home--IT STARTS RAINING.  And everything not covered by my jacket was soaked through by the time I got to work.  The only silver lining is that I have a change of work clothes here and a hair dryer.

same for me, lucky i had a change of clothes. The warm rain was kind of nice once i got over the fact that i was going to be soaked.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Yes, and I am going to whine about it, too!  Last night, when the weather radar was showing rain all over the place, I had on the baseball cap with nice big visor under helmet, glasses, rain pants, tall boots.  Did it rain on me as I rode home?  No, of course not.  So this morning the weather radar has no green blobs in the area, and I look out the window and it's not raining.  Where are the rain pants--in the closet. Where is the nice baseball cap--in the closet.  Where are the tall boots--in the closet.  What happens when I get a half-mile from home--IT STARTS RAINING.  And everything not covered by my jacket was soaked through by the time I got to work.  The only silver lining is that I have a change of work clothes here and a hair dryer.

Click here for a few more bike ride photos on a day when the weather knuckleheads predicted light, spotty drizzle here and there, and I rode in a steady rain, got soaked to the skin but stayed warm anyhow.

At least the rain made for a few pretty pictures.


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