Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Gene, that last one looks like Stonehenge!

'Tis amazing what you can do on a trike that has a paddle-wheel conversion kit ... all the way to the British Isles and back in one day. The Druids were a bit annoying, but otherwise it was a bloody good trip. Cheers, Lisa.

Lisa Curcio said:

Gene, that last one looks like Stonehenge!

a warm cooperative ride on a cold morning. 

A few of us Kibitzers were taking our Wednesday morning ride to Wishbone for breakfast and then off to work or whereever.  Bill broke his chain on Warren just east of the United Center.  Nobody had a chain tool and even if we did, nobody really had the inclination to do a roadside repair on a chilly morning.  We solved the riddle.  Bill got going Flinestones style by pushing off with his feet. I rode up on his left and he extended his left hand.  I reached  out with my right. We held hands and rode in a bike lane on a reasonably empty street for little over a mile to Wishbone. After breakfast he was given a ride by a car borne Kibitzer to a bike shop. He will ride home later today after getting a new chain.

Good thinkin'

David Barish said:

a warm cooperative ride on a cold morning. 

A few of us Kibitzers were taking our Wednesday morning ride to Wishbone for breakfast and then off to work or whereever.  Bill broke his chain on Warren just east of the United Center.  Nobody had a chain tool and even if we did, nobody really had the inclination to do a roadside repair on a chilly morning.  We solved the riddle.  Bill got going Flinestones style by pushing off with his feet. I rode up on his left and he extended his left hand.  I reached  out with my right. We held hands and rode in a bike lane on a reasonably empty street for little over a mile to Wishbone. After breakfast he was given a ride by a car borne Kibitzer to a bike shop. He will ride home later today after getting a new chain.

Another gorgeous sunrise on lakefront this morning.  Last night was an awesome full moon over the lake! 

For more bike commute photos from today's sun-filled day, click here.

Did ride in to work today. No sweat (literally)

It's gonna be excellent on the way home !!!

For more bike ride photos from today, click here.

Greatest part about riding in the winter is not breaking a sweat on a long ride. 

Manny Fuentes said:

Did ride in to work today. No sweat (literally)

It's gonna be excellent on the way home !!!

Can't join you, and could not keep up if I did ;-(.  But, "let's be careful out there!".  Sounds like a great plan.

I rode in from Evanston today.  I'm at my office in the loop at the moment, but am going to head back up the LFP to the north end of Montrose harbor and watch a bit more of the IL State Cyclocross Championships.  I'm on my orange Trek (black fenders, me in a red ls jersey and tights).


Chilling on the pedestrian bridge watching the Cyclocross, I think I may want to try this.


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