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Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Amazing ride yesterday to the west loop with trailer acting as a sail.... barely had to pedal at times.

Long and very wet ride home.....

This morning was much better than yesterday as far as heading south along the lake is concerned.  Sure it's a little colder but the wind is a bigger issue.  The only ice I saw were a few puddles on the bridge over state street; the ground's still too warm for ice on the path.  I did have to ride through a fairly large flock of geese that were spread on both sides of the path.

For more bike ride photos from today, click here.

I rode my hybrid today; this and the fact that 20 mph wind was gusting from the west as I was heading that way made me miss my train. Grr. Riding upright with that kind of wind is extremely frustrating - it's like you're peddling in quicksand.

Let's hope that crazy wind stays that way. If so, I'm in for a nice and easy ride home.

For more bike commute photos from today when my chain came apart, I put the chain back together, my hands were numb thanks to 29 degree weather and I got into work an hour late, click *#$%#! here.

Well, Gene, the photos are nice!

I rode in sub-freezing temps for the first time in my life.  I know most of you are not impressed, but I was really happy to have dressed appropriately--neither over nor under dressed! 

Congratulations, Lisa. 

Lisa Curcio said:

Well, Gene, the photos are nice!

I rode in sub-freezing temps for the first time in my life.  I know most of you are not impressed, but I was really happy to have dressed appropriately--neither over nor under dressed! 

Well done, Lisa!

And lots of possible layers left in the winter riding wardrobe ;-).  Thanks, Steve!
Chi Lowe said:

Lisa - my first sub-freezing day too.  I completely share your excitement.  Aside: I invested in a micro-weight wool baselayer yesterday, which I wore this morning.  I never felt even a little cold, despite an occasional gust of the westerly cross-wind out there.

Lisa Curcio said:

Well, Gene, the photos are nice!

I rode in sub-freezing temps for the first time in my life.  I know most of you are not impressed, but I was really happy to have dressed appropriately--neither over nor under dressed! 

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

Spectacular shot!

Chi Lowe said:

So, so pretty out there this morning.  Warm too!


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