Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I did not ride. We had over six inches of snow. My commute is 8 miles one way. I have prepared my hybrid for winter riding. I tryed it last week in a couple of inches. I was OK when I could stay on the road, but when I had to go on he shoulder, it was pretty dicey. So, either you do not get the Lake Effect snow we do, or you are all alot more determined then me. I am bummed because I really want to ride. Cold is no problem, just snow and ice.
You are correct sir. Chicago does not get the lake effect snow like Porter and Lake Counties do. We also have much more aggressive snow removal thanks to the 1979 mayoral election.

Mark Newald said:
I did not ride. We had over six inches of snow. My commute is 8 miles one way. I have prepared my hybrid for winter riding. I tryed it last week in a couple of inches. I was OK when I could stay on the road, but when I had to go on he shoulder, it was pretty dicey. So, either you do not get the Lake Effect snow we do, or you are all alot more determined then me. I am bummed because I really want to ride. Cold is no problem, just snow and ice.
I think I am mastering the art of layering.
Yes, and it was cold. Time to relearn how to dress (my thighs were freezing this morning).
The mighty Icestache!
envane x said:
Icebeard is my favourite part of winter riding.
I did it! This is my first winter riding.

I had the wrong bike (Schwinn upright instead of my MTB.) That bike is too slow! Still, it was nice because I'm really just learning how to deal with icy patches and having slow and easy control was perfect. Plus, I wasn't tempted to ride fast because on that girl bike, I can't.

On my longer stretch of my ride (about 3 1/2 miles), I felt hotter than Georgia asphalt and twice as sticky. I had on the right amount of stuff on most of the time, it was just that last 1/2 mile of slow riding that really got me hot and bothered. I got honked at three times, too, which doesn't help when you're already hot and slightly cranky.

Otherwise--YAY! Biking in winter is fun.
I was going to reply to this but I didn't want to use the word "beardcicles" in 2 posts in a row.


Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
The mighty Icestache!
envane x said:
Icebeard is my favourite part of winter riding.
The sun in the morning was nice and with the light wind at my back not bad at all.

I'm um...thankful for the 2nd shift job I had 2 years ago where I would leave work at 10-11 pm and the snow had that squeaky mid January sound and the salted slush is frozen.
I love winter riding. It, like garett said, makes my beard do funny things. :-)>
Dangit, you all are making me feel guilty for giving in and taking the train this morning. Alas, I may have lost the battle today, but the war has just begun.
I did it and will keep doing it until I must show mercy on my pony from all that salty grimy slushy snow.
Don't sweat it. Unlike what some people believe, it's not a peeing contest about who can ride in the worst conditions.

leyzdoo said:
Dangit, you all are making me feel guilty for giving in and taking the train this morning. Alas, I may have lost the battle today, but the war has just begun.


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