Gorgeous sunrise on LFP today.  So glad Spring is only a few days away!!!

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Hang in there, fellow cyclists! These are truly winter's last gasps. We are still technically in the Bike Winter season (Nov 1-April 30).


Also, FWIW, I don't think anyone who prefers to sit out cold, wet weather is a wuss or not a "real" cyclist. Efforts like Bike Winter stem from a positive desire to build people up--to encourage and equip--not to cut anyone down.

I've been hanging in there all winter, a few more days of crappy weather isn't going to stop me now.
It was easier riding in February when you forgot how nice it was to ride in non-freezing weather than it is now.

Go, Melanie! I'm on the other end of the spectrum as you.  I want to have that "can do" attitude, but my mind and body is not capable of handling being miserable all day. What's the point when all the joy is sucked out of it? I'd be walking around all soggy and cold even with the proper gear.  On top of that the idea of riding in it is wholly unappealing.  The respite of the car is hardly enough, but still, it's something.


I was out on my bike this morning for short neighborhood pet care business and that was craptastic even though I wasn't traveling more than a few blocks. I have a feeling it's going to take me a lot more time to master these elements--cold, rainy, windy=a definite deal breaker for me.  Last time I checked, I think I still qualified as a real cyclist :)

If you're on the bike, then you are a cyclist, no matter if it is sunny and warm or wet and cold. I agree, some days I just want to say "WTF is going on with this crappy weather" and wake my SO up to drive me to work (and I have done it on certain days). But whenever I do that, I usually come out of my office at the end of the day and see someone on their bike and I regret not riding.  Just keep cycling as much as you can- there is no reason you have to ride in the rain or cold- I cycle for my own reasons, and I believe everyone has their own reasons and impetus to use their bicycle instead of other transportation, as it is only yourself that you have to answer to.  


I am not sure if it is a can-do attitude that I have or that I just hate public transportation, traffic, driving and congestion. I  have found that my 8 mile trip to work and 8 miles back goes faster when I cycle, I get less frustrated at people in general and my mood is better overall. That is my reason for cycling in all types of weather- it makes me happier in general.

Riding in this weather makes me appreciate the beautiful days we have here :))  I wish I could show my sarcasm in writing.
Today's weather is/was among the most unpleasant for bike commuting this year.
I concur.

Kevin Conway said:
Today's weather is/was among the most unpleasant for bike commuting this year.

Perhaps there will be a chance that the wind will keep blowing in the same direction and will give me a tailwind for the ride home.  Please?  Can we have a little silver lining?

I guess it isn't just me that believes the wind is out to get me, no matter what direction I ride...I will be looking for that tailwind with you, Jami.

jamimaria said:

Perhaps there will be a chance that the wind will keep blowing in the same direction and will give me a tailwind for the ride home.  Please?  Can we have a little silver lining?

Rode today in my workclothes with a ponjo, waterproof over-pants, and spats. I rode SLOW and stayed dry and cool.
Is it just my imagination or have there been an inordinate number of days this Spring with the wind coming out of the east at some angle?  I'm all for "cooler by the lake" in the summer, but I think this has been the biggest factor in this lousy Spring.  I still remember how nice it was last spring.  It felt like the first time "Spring" was Spring in years (Spring sounds odd when you keep repeating it :))

Kevin Conway said:
Today's weather is/was among the most unpleasant for bike commuting this year.


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