I just missed the press conference and just hung out at lunch to see how it would all work. It seemed easy enough, so I took Dearborn as my starting route home to Roscoe Village. Normally I hit Franklin to Orleans then north to Lincoln.

I have to say, it was pretty easy and relatively safe. The ambassadors were helpful with the the auto traffic. The walkers were easy enough to avoid. I had to chuckle at two riders riding side by side in the lane.

What I didn't see was any oncoming traffic; southbound riders. I am guessing that will come in time or at other times during the day.

Way to go Mayor RE! This is really making a statement.

Who else rode the new path?

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I just can't relate to this. Commuting downtown for 3 years off and on and I've never felt the slickness of the wet metal grates (my usual crossings were/are Clark and Dearborn). I definitely think they feel "weird" with the grooves and I know that other people do fall, I've just never really felt like I needed to walk my bike.

Regardless, it would be great is the plates were going in today.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

I hope so! It's been very slippery these past few days and I am really wanting to not have to walk my bike across the bridge.

Anne Alt said:

I'll bet they're installing the plates today.

It really depends on your tires. I used to have 38mm knobby tires and didn't have much of a problem, but once I switched to 32mm slick tires, the wet grates became much more of a treacherous.

Will G - 10mi said:

I just can't relate to this. Commuting downtown for 3 years off and on and I've never felt the slickness of the wet metal grates (my usual crossings were/are Clark and Dearborn). I definitely think they feel "weird" with the grooves and I know that other people do fall, I've just never really felt like I needed to walk my bike.

Yep - no way I'm trying out the Dearborn bridge without plates during the winter.  700x24s on my bike.

I roll 32mm gatorskins and they are more than adequate to handle the Dearborn bridge. There has been one occasion where I felt like the grates might be slightly "treacherous" and that was while 3 inches of snow was falling and the grates where dusted/slushy.  I'm glad that plates are going in, but I can think of many other bridges that need them before Dearborn.

I have the same exact tires as you and while I can certainly make it over the bridge without falling, it is a bit unnerving since I feel like I can't really control the bike. The bridge is just slippery enough to make me nervous. Perhaps you have stronger nerves than I.

spencewine said:

I roll 32mm gatorskins and they are more than adequate to handle the Dearborn bridge. There has been one occasion where I felt like the grates might be slightly "treacherous" and that was while 3 inches of snow was falling and the grates where dusted/slushy.  I'm glad that plates are going in, but I can think of many other bridges that need them before Dearborn.

I came it a little later this AM and there were actually 4 trucks parked in the bike lane on the bridge.  Looked like they were just shooting the breeze.

I had 700x23 on my bike and just swapped out for 28s... It has only been 3 days (5 trips over Dearborn) and I am more comfortable on the mess - However, would much rather have plates.

I never fell but lost (or starting losing) control a few times to the point where I was able to just stay on my bike and push myself across.

If it weren't so cold & I wasn't so lazy, I'd go check it out here at lunch... If! (Derek's update doesn't sound as promising... Boo!)

Yup, that's a sure sign they will be installing the plates. :-)

Derek said:

Looked like they were just shooting the breeze.

Unionized workers are really good at turning an hour-long project into a full eight-hour work day. :-)
Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

Yup, that's a sure sign they will be installing the plates. :-)

Derek said:

Looked like they were just shooting the breeze.

I've been trying to make this point for months now, but I've been at a loss for how to express it. Thanks for the inspiration Jenn! I'm not against plates, but I think we also need to take some responsibility and equip our bikes properly for the conditions we face when we ride. 

Jenn_5.5 mi said:

I had 700x23 on my bike and just swapped out for 28s... It has only been 3 days (5 trips over Dearborn) and I am more comfortable on the mess - However, would much rather have plates.

I never fell but lost (or starting losing) control a few times to the point where I was able to just stay on my bike and push myself across.

If it weren't so cold & I wasn't so lazy, I'd go check it out here at lunch... If! (Derek's update doesn't sound as promising... Boo!)

Since I switched form 25 to 38 tires with my last bike I will say it's been much nicer riding around town.  The fenders and pannier didn't hurt, either.

700 x 25 slicks on my bike ever since forever.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

It really depends on your tires. I used to have 38mm knobby tires and didn't have much of a problem, but once I switched to 32mm slick tires, the wet grates became much more of a treacherous.

Will G - 10mi said:

I just can't relate to this. Commuting downtown for 3 years off and on and I've never felt the slickness of the wet metal grates (my usual crossings were/are Clark and Dearborn). I definitely think they feel "weird" with the grooves and I know that other people do fall, I've just never really felt like I needed to walk my bike.


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