And about how I haven't managed a thirty mile ride in over two months. So I'm gearing up, engaging a few of my winter biking lessons, and trying to get it done. Lemont or bust?

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I don't want to whine, but my bike was whining today.  First it was not happy because I dumped it on the Dearborn bridge.  (Really, it fell on top of me--how bad could it have been?  Wimp!)  Then it was not happy because it was so sloppy morning and night.  I had cleaned it up a bit over the weekend, and it was smiling at being clean.  Big frowns with the salt and wet again.  So I am looking forward to some sun and dry weather so my bike will stop whining.

Yeah, I'm OK with even neg temps. I mean, this IS Chicago, right?

Ranelle Kirchner said:

45 is nice, but anything above 35 with sun is fine by me. Refreshing in fact. 

I'm sure I will feel like whining tomorrow morning, heading into the twenty five mile an hour headwind and single digit windchill.

Got the winter helmet out, the goggles out, the double mittens out, the wool scarf out . . .

Good day for those.  Brrrrisk!!!

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Got the winter helmet out, the goggles out, the double mittens out, the wool scarf out . . .

Its all relative.  A day like today would be no problem in January.  Now it feels like one of the coldest days of the year in that wind.  Enough already!

Complaining about the weather is an inalienable right, especially if one lives in Chicago.  Right now I am looking forward to complaining about the heat.
Cameron 7.5 mi said:

I'm starting to tire of the weather, but I don't think I'll ever tire of complaining about it.

I guess its easy to not go out if you don't "have to"... but in not having that luxory (I have a bike and thats it), I learned how to deal with even below zero temps.  Get the right clothes and make it happen... a BIG BIG deal for me is using *hand warmer* (NOT foot warmer, those suck) packets in my shoes, I can't make it without them.  HotHands brand is best in my experience.

But March, why have thou forsaken me!!!!  I'm ready for 50+!!!!  Its time to get out in some shorts!

I think I can now declare myself cured. 38 gray miles last Sunday, 32 glorious ones this morning. It was never about not being able to bicycle, it was about missing the freedom of zooming through the area for the fun of it, for hours at a time. I've got that back-- and should be as to keep it, at least until December again.


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