And about how I haven't managed a thirty mile ride in over two months. So I'm gearing up, engaging a few of my winter biking lessons, and trying to get it done. Lemont or bust?

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I'd love to go outside and do some brisk exercise for more than a few minutes at a time without feeling like someone poured quick-set cement into my lungs immediately afterward and for the next four to five days. 

This last week I managed a 30 mile ride around the city. It was decent weather; then again, I am from MN and prefer the cold. Not to worry, soon the weather will be warmer and you'll get your longer ride.

I managed 38 miles from Oak Park to Lemont and back this morning. I'm happy now.
Hey Tim, let me know when you go again. I'll tag along if you don't mind some company.
Not at all. I tend to start between 7 and 8 when I go out on the weekends. I'm kind of slow, averaging 10-13 miles an hour, but I keep going... You can touch base with me at tgheckman at gmail for contact info.

It wasn't that bad yesterday but just cold enough to be annoying.

If it could be 45 and sunny I'd be fine with that.

45 is nice, but anything above 35 with sun is fine by me. Refreshing in fact. 

Riding in the sunshine today was amazing.  Agreed, anything above 30 feels like a vacation day.  In tomorrow's forecast,


Wintry Mix (38°F)

Wintry Mix

makes me think of this.

Hmm, I wonder if riding in that would be better or worse?

Melissa said:

Riding in the sunshine today was amazing.  Agreed, anything above 30 feels like a vacation day.  In tomorrow's forecast,


Wintry Mix (38°F)

Wintry Mix

makes me think of this.

It's not a day on the bicycle without running into a handful of mixed nuts.


Tim Heckman said:

It's not a day on the bicycle without running into a handful of mixed nuts.

True. esp. this time of year. The Suns rays are strong.

Ranelle Kirchner said:

45 is nice, but anything above 35 with sun is fine by me. Refreshing in fact. 


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