I am normally a courteous biker, but I was in a hurry on my way home today and was going a little too fast on the path near Lawrence. I passed a woman very close. I didn't have time to slow and apologize. If your on the chain link I am sorry.

Thought other may want to share the mistakes they made on their rides.

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Warm amazing weather can do that to you....esp when you are also in a hurry.

I've done things like that too... 

I was behind a group of roller-bladers on the lakefront path on Saturday morning, I waited for a group of oncoming cyclists to pass (I thought), then I went to pass and there was another oncoming cyclist whom I almost hit head-on. Don't know how I missed him. If you're reading this, I apologize.

oh man...this should be an interesting thread....


Chi Lowe 12.5+ mi said:

Say three "On Your Lefts" and one "Cycle Back", and you will be forgiven.

Based on what I saw on the path on Wednesday afternoon on the commute home from work, what you are describing is standard summer LFT cyclist behavior. I was absolutely appalled at the behavior I witnessed from about half of the cyclists on Wednesday. I actually saw someone t-bone a car because he was behaving in such a ridiculous manner.

I will be avoiding the LFT until it gets cold and all these fair weather cyclists go away again.

Get off my lawn (bikepaths)!

*grumble, grumble*

I was on the inbound UP North Metra yesterday around 5 p.m. and just a few stops from Ogilvie. There were so many bikes piled up in the car that they were spilling into the aisle, and as usual for that time, the train was packed with passengers too. A man was standing on the steps leading to the upper level while holding onto his bike right by the sliding doors, but there were a few empty seats on that upper level, and a bunch of passengers were crowded around the doorway. I was brusque in asking him to move, and as he was moving, he told me that I didn't have to be rude, because there was no place else for him to stand. After I sat down, I got up and apologized a minute later because I felt really bad. I didn't really have time to explain that I was a cyclist too, and I know the bike situation on the Metra is really frustrating.

Anyway, Metra bike dude, if you're reading this... apologies.

I like this thread. It's good to admit when you've been a dumbunny. Years ago, I was riding down Lincoln Park and blew a stop sign at which a runner was just crossing, and I startled the hell out of him. He yelled at me to stop at stop signs. He was right, duh. I don't do that kind of thing any more, but I still remember it. I've tried to think of an "I'm sorry" gesture to make while riding (or driving!); the best I've been able to come up with is putting my hand to my mouth with slightly pursed lips, in an "oops, sorry" gesture.

I was southbound on Ashland, my normal route, passing the Costco just sound of Roosevelt. There is a new (ish) light there, that directs the traffic in an out of the Costco parking lot. In the mornings there usually isnt anything going on, so if there is a red light I only slow down slightly, check to make sure no one is leaving or entering the lot, and cruise through. This morning I remember standing tall on the bike (to see over cars sitting at the light) and checking to see if anyone was in the left turn lane to enter the parking lot. I missed an SUV and ended up cutting him off in a definite huge $@&#-head fashion. I am sorry.

whats the equivalent for the "on your lefts" and "cycle back" for this situation?  

Hilarious.  The Holy Order of Chainlink.

Chi Lowe 12.5+ mi said:

Say three "On Your Lefts" and one "Cycle Back", and you will be forgiven.

David, I've found that a hand to the heart with a mouthed "I'm sorry" works as a good "my bad" gesture. I always worry when I've made a surprise or jerky bike move, the other person will turn out to be someone I know!

David P. said:

I like this thread. It's good to admit when you've been a dumbunny. Years ago, I was riding down Lincoln Park and blew a stop sign at which a runner was just crossing, and I startled the hell out of him. He yelled at me to stop at stop signs. He was right, duh. I don't do that kind of thing any more, but I still remember it. I've tried to think of an "I'm sorry" gesture to make while riding (or driving!); the best I've been able to come up with is putting my hand to my mouth with slightly pursed lips, in an "oops, sorry" gesture.

Write "I will not run red lights" 100 times on the chalkboard in your best cursive writing.   Sister Mary Joseph will check before you are allowed to leave.
T.K. 6.5 mi said:

I was southbound on Ashland, my normal route, passing the Costco just sound of Roosevelt. There is a new (ish) light there, that directs the traffic in an out of the Costco parking lot. In the mornings there usually isnt anything going on, so if there is a red light I only slow down slightly, check to make sure no one is leaving or entering the lot, and cruise through. This morning I remember standing tall on the bike (to see over cars sitting at the light) and checking to see if anyone was in the left turn lane to enter the parking lot. I missed an SUV and ended up cutting him off in a definite huge $@&#-head fashion. I am sorry.

whats the equivalent for the "on your lefts" and "cycle back" for this situation?  

In all honestly, I can't write that with a clear conscience. I will run that exact light almost every time there isn't a car in the intersection or approaching it. 


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