Bike commuting two or three times a week means that I can have cherry pie and kolaczki without having to buy a new wardrobe. It also means skipping train fares. Rich food and saving money — it's a Polish-American victory.

But since this is Bike Week, I thought about why I've really been braving city streets on my beat-up hybrid for 17 years. The real reason is both simpler and more serious.

For the full Chicago Tribune article go here:

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Great post Gene, thanks! Why do you commute? Is it dessert or saving train fare or ???

  • it's fun!
  • exercise - this is more than a direct counter of poor eating habits but is an essential part of good health; in fact, the way I see it, poor food choices reduce the benefit of the exercise (not the other way around). Exercise is actually motivation for me to make good food choices!
  • being "in the world"
    OK so we are always on the planet & existing but being outdoors and engaged in physical work gives me a felling like I'm more connected to...everything
  • slowing down - being outside of the rat race for twice a day for an hour or so is good for my psyche
  • bikes - they are beautiful things


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