Looks like the Hummer line will be disc. soon.  Good riddance I say!


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I think they stopped making the bikes too. Most of them were POS but I think the frames looked pretty cool, you know in a wal-mart sort of way. I would buy a ford f-150 bike.
I'm still gonna yell "sorry about your penis!" every time I see one though.
Reddog said:
I'm still gonna yell "sorry about your penis!" every time I see one though.

Yes...In deed!
like Conan said "there's only so many a$$holes in America and they all already have a Hummer" Wish I could say I'm sorry to see them go...
I would love a bike made out of recycled Hummer. For the symbolic value.
Every time I see that site I come away thinking "white people don't like Hummers."

M.A.R.K. said:
anyone know what the hummer assembly lines will be replaced with?
iggi said:
anyone know what the hummer assembly lines will be replaced with?

According to the piece I heard on public radio this AM, production was outsourced to a non-GM plant in Indiana, so I'm guessing nothing.

So, like so much of the news lately, the good news of Hummer's demise has a dark lining in that local jobs will disappear. We need to find a way to get those people working building something sustainable, useful and beautiful.

Tony Adams said:
iggi said:
anyone know what the hummer assembly lines will be replaced with?

According to the piece I heard on public radio this AM, production was outsourced to a non-GM plant in Indiana, so I'm guessing nothing.

So, like so much of the news lately, the good news of Hummer's demise has a dark lining in that local jobs will disappear. We need to find a way to get those people working building something sustainable, useful and beautiful.

A hummer (because I can't identify people as driving vehicles, just machines moving around) let me pass through a four way stop first yesterday so I had to give it a courtesy wave, but I didn't like doing it.

H3N3 said:
I would love a bike made out of recycled Hummer. For the symbolic value.
Rest in Pieces... mwahahaha (since that's what happens to you if you get hit by one, it's only fitting they should have the same fate).

Good riddance to bad rubbish, as they say.
farewell land barges. you will NOT be missed.....



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