I was heading north west today on Elston at like 9AM and was nearing Addison and Elston when 3 cars decided to go (they didn't have a turn arrow but a green light). Because traffic on eastbound addison was backed up only one cleared the intersection and this utility van was halfway in the intersection. At this point I'm like 10 feet from entering the intersection and this dude in a mitsubishi wagon (who was headphones on) decides to block the intersection and nearly hits barely hits my back tire. He started going for it and slowed down but still hit me... It was obvious he didn't nail the brakes. Anyway, I stormed around in a parking lot and caught up with him 3 blocks away and snapped a photo of his car/plates on my phone.

At the time I was more swerving out the way rather than nailing the brakes. I was going too fast to stop in time to avoid him hiting me.

Does anyone know the official process for reporting reckless driving? I'd like there to be a record in case he hits someone.

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You should call 911. Here are is the full scoop on what you should do:


Ethan, with Active Trans
You can report a reckless bus driver I know. What about cabbies?
you can report reckless driving (or drivers throwing trash out the window, or any other sort of non-emergency situation) by calling *999 on your cell phone.
That intersection really blows. Its one that you really have to look out for all the assholes thinking that they can save 5min by blocking the road but in turn are just making traffic horrible in all directions. They don't even save themselves that much time. I am always warry when I approach that area. As any of the 6ways.
Yeah, it does... The worst intersection in my commute is elston, diversey and western. I always have to triple check and make sure some a-hole in an oversized vehicle isn't gonna cream me.
Julie Hochstadter said:
You can report a reckless bus driver I know. What about cabbies?

'The city's Department of Consumer Services oversees taxi licensing. They handle complaints about cabs, and have the power to fine drivers, or suspend or revoke their licenses.

Call 311 to file a preliminary complaint.
You can report reckless taxi drivers via 311, but I got the impression when tried it I'd have to show up at some kind of hearing if I expected anything to be done about it.

Julie Hochstadter said:
You can report a reckless bus driver I know. What about cabbies?
Call Chicago Police Department using the 311 non-emergency number and make a report. The guy should get a ticket.
Tony Adams said:
You can report reckless taxi drivers via 311, but I got the impression when tried it I'd have to show up at some kind of hearing if I expected anything to be done about it.
Yes, but that's usually the last thing you have to do as they're on their way to having their taxi license revoked.

311 is great for reporting taxis.
I've used the taxi commission complaint system and found the folks there helpful.

vxla said:
Tony Adams said:
You can report reckless taxi drivers via 311, but I got the impression when tried it I'd have to show up at some kind of hearing if I expected anything to be done about it.
Yes, but that's usually the last thing you have to do as they're on their way to having their taxi license revoked.

311 is great for reporting taxis.
Hi Ethan,

That's a very helpful link. What do you suggest if the 311 operator who is supposed to take reports says that the reckless driver's activity (tailgating, honking continuously, yelling "stay off the fucking road," pushing past within inches and forcing the cyclist off the road - all at once) is "ignorance" and "there's no police report to file for ignorance?" Would asking to speak with a supervisor make a difference? This would be helpful to know in the future.


Active Transportation Alliance said:
You should call 911. Here are is the full scoop on what you should do:


Ethan, with Active Trans
Have them transfer you to 911 and make an official 911 complaint. You may have to go to the nearest police station to complete the process, but it is well worth it.


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