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Yeah, that was pretty crazy.  I really enjoy watching that other guy.  What's his name?

danny macaskill

He's pretty good...

I like that other guy who takes an old French Mixte and then stunts the hell out of it (after bracing the frame back together with a bit of gas-pipe and a welder the first time he does a wall drop and it folds in half.)

I have to laugh at the WD-40 product placement.  The stuff is pretty useless for most things.   


Awesome. Bikes are meant to ride however you want to. I can only imagine the gnashing of teeth from the roadies out there. 

Impressive stunts and creative locations! But the misuse of a beautiful $16,000 bike makes me cringe (he said through gnashing teeth). Dude, use a Huffy ;-)

I was asking about the other guy who does this stuff above, it's danny macaskill.  I love his stuff. 

John Durham said:

Negative. That's Martyn Ashton.
uic said:

danny macaskill


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