Here's something that's pretty easy, just extend a rack!
I tried this with some scrap steel, zip ties, a bungee and a couple of old tubes and it worked pretty well. If I was to do it more permanently I would probably use stainless hose clamps and refine a few things. But this mock up worked and I would use it for a one time carry.
Sorry the photos are so blurry but it should give you the idea. I used a wheel box (approx 31"x31'x8") that is close to your portifolio size.
Some other considerations and refinements I would do would be for heel clearance (pretty tight in this set up) and the level the portfolio sits to the ground (in this set up I'm sure it would catch on speed bumps and curbs). I think these issues could be easily addressed with a little time and effort. I put this set up together in 20 minutes. It also costs less than $10 and is made from reused materials. No need to spend money to solve problems when you use yer noggin! C'mon now, give it the ol' college try!
I just switched to a plastic art tube strapped to my rack. A possibility if you can roll up your supplies.
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