How many other cyclists did you see on your commute this morning?

I'll start: 1.

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Too many.

Only 4.  Last week there were trains of us!

The troops were out from Wicker Park to downtown.  

What can we do to get more cyclists out in your neighborhood during your commute?

h' 1.0 said:

I had a gang of rogue road cyclists on my tail on Augusta. One of them muttered something about Thunderdome when they passed me.

The spandex ones are out in force these days.  I rode north on Sunday and saw small children decked out as roadies riding with their parents, and I'm not talking mullets and denim vests.

I was with a bunchhhh of cyclists on milwaukee. And a dude with an motorized skate board.

Hey, I wear spandex whether commuting or rec riding.  I try to be extremely courteous to all path and road users.

But I used to see 2 other riders in the mornings.  Now I don't see them.  But I did see my 2 coworkers riding home if that counts.

Tricolor said:

The spandex ones are out in force these days.  I rode north on Sunday and saw small children decked out as roadies riding with their parents, and I'm not talking mullets and denim vests.

I left early and rather than using the lake rode over to Damen/Milwaukee/Kinzie/Dearborn to see how commuting from the west is.  I can say I'm thankful for the lakefront trail being my best option.  The number of shoalers with fragile egos is staggering.  I'm surprised more people don't get hit the way they ride.

The shoaling has been really bad on my route down Lincoln lately. As has the running of red lights. And of course forcing cars to wait while blowing through stop signs. It almost makes me miss January/February but not quite. 

I almost got shoaled by a PACE bus this morning!

I hate shoaling as much as salmoning.  So annoying especially on narrow streets with traffic so you can't pass the shoaler, and they never seem to respond to asking to pass.

Was behind 7 other cyclists, eastbound on Kinzie approaching Dearborn this morning. I thought for sure at least 4 of them would turn right onto Dearborn. Not so! All 7 continued east!

Since I tend to commute on "cycling superhighways", I forget that most of the city is probably not inundated with cyclists.  But we can all agree, I am sure, that getting caught behind a garbage truck while riding one's bike is one of the nastiest experiences one can have.


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