How many other cyclists did you see on your commute this morning?

I'll start: 1.

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Only one that I remember for sure, on Lawrence and Clark, or farther north on Clark...?  It was an orange Surly.  about 8am.

Milwaukee was almost back to cyclist superhighway status this morning between 7:30 and 7:45!  Could not keep track of how many people passed me. :-)

Not too many.

One passed me southbound on Clark, a few blocks before it turns into one way. And one I passed, who was turning onto Clark from Kinzie.

I managed to hit the stretch of Clark between Armitage and North Ave at the same time as two other bikers so we rode that stretch in line. It was nice riding that sometimes hairy bit with some safety in numbers. 

Soo ready for weather to be a bit warmer!

I saw about fifteen along the lake on the way in, and one shoaler on Dearborn.  I can't imagine what it's going to be like this afternoon.

i saw several divvy riders and a few regular commuters. Lincoln Ave at 6:30 am is SO different than Milwaukee Ave at 8:00 am !!!  speaking of lincoln avenue - HALF ACRE Tonight !!! Yay !

Lots southbound from the northside on the LFP; didn't pass too many northbound from the southside. I'm sure it'll be similar for my southbound slog this evening. It's kind of like a theory of general relativity, when biking on the LFP: the amount of oncoming traffic you perceive, relative to the same-direction traffic you perceive, will increase with the headwind speed. 

I saw a lot passing on Milwaukee as I crossed it, but no one on my side streets.  And it was not nearly as cold as the weather people made it sound!

I saw people on my side of the street and total about 6.  One almost rode in front of a delivery truck under the tracks at Franklin and Chicago Ave.  

And unlike the rest of you, I thought it was damn cold.... although in the middle of my commute I had to duck in an Einstein Bagels to take a 30 minute phone call. So maybe I just never had a chance to warm up.

ChiBikeGeek said:

Agreed Lisa! My commute this morning was super-nice. Not the sixty degrees I wish for of course, but still super nice.

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

I saw a lot passing on Milwaukee as I crossed it, but no one on my side streets.  And it was not nearly as cold as the weather people made it sound!

Is it spawning season for salmon?  On the way home I saw at least 4, and I cannot remember the last time I saw one before tonight.

It wasn't loads and loads of cyclists today, but enough that I couldn't tell you how many. Probably a couple dozen this morning, and at least a handful on the evening commute (I was too focused on the headwind to pay that much attention).

Today was a fun weather profile. It was just cold enough to scare off the tourists and lightweight cyclists, but not so cold that all of the fair-weatherers were scared off, too. It was kind of like biking with "the bold" - except, of course, that some of us have been out there for quite a while by now.


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