How many other cyclists did you see on your commute this morning?

I'll start: 1.

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1. All the way from Ukrainian Village to Union Station. And 2 on the way home. It was a very lonely ride!
2. Decided to I take Divvy (have to justify the reason I have the membership somehow) but the roads were very rideable.

None...and what a morning to go get my hair cut. It felt like I had my head shaved(I didn't).

1. At 7am this morning. Roads were still clear but it appears to have snowed a bit since I got to work. Anyone else out there today?

Happy New Year!  New goals!!

i saw 5 at 8:00

Surprisingly, I only saw one other person on a bicycle. Thanks to S&S, the streets were merely wet and slushy. Didn't mind the truck bearing down on me on Elston because it was a salt/plow truck squeegeeing the bike and curb lanes, so I was happy to move over and let him plow on past.

Probably four or five on Milwaukee.  One on Dearborn.  Not a single pedaling person on Kinzie.


Two, both incredibly (stupid) brave salmon. 

I saw 4 on Milwaukee on my way to work around 4pm. On my way home tonight at 11pm. 1 Messenger/courier delivery Papa Johns. It was a brutal south wind today. Monday should be interesting with a high temperature of -7. Am I just stupid still riding on these shitty streets in this terrible weather?


h' 1.0 said:

I saw one! I saw one!

A fixie/roadie type on 21st street in a red jacket. He called "hello" when I gave him the ole' two-honk.

In other news, my current honky horn works when it's cold. None of the past ones ever have.


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