Start early!  Get a head start, maybe you'll stay ahead of everybody else.

Just keep the rubber side down and the wind at your back.

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My New Year ride last evening was peaceful and smooth rollin' -- 40 miles round-trip from Hyde Park to Howard Street and back, with a stop for one pint at Cuneen's on Devon. Perfect way to start off.

13.5 after Unofficial CCC New Year's Day "Weather Be Damned" Ride. the weather cooperated for once!

extrapolation for 2023: 4927.5! lol

11.4 LOL. First ride of the year today. I was over 80 at this point last year. 

111.5 after 18th Annual January Three Floyds Brewpub (and First Step) Ride. extrapolation for 2023 down to 2907.

371.6 outdoor miles ytd. 

295.8 miles cycled (270.4 outdoor / 25.4 indoor) for January.

37 consecutive days cycled since 12/26/2022.

Boringly consistent -- January ends with a modest 201 miles, edging Curt(is)2022 year-to-date by ONE single mile.

156.6, almost all of it inside. How big a change from the fall. (and 2022: I was at 444 by this point last year.) New job, a lot closer to home = less biking. Gotta get out just for fun now! 

Just for fun is more fun, but less miles. Quality, not quantity? :-)

192.7 after Second Step Ride. Extrapolation for 2023 down to 1436.4.

Febbed up with a modest 237 road miles in 7 outings on the month to push the year-to-date up to 518 miles, ahead of Curt(is)2022 by 54.4 miles.

508.2 miles cycled in 2023 after 212.4 miles (190.4 outdoor / 22.0 indoor) for February.
57 days bicycled out of 59 in 2023; still aiming to ride everyday, but less focused on maintaining a streak for the streak’s sake.


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