a big fat zero. at this rate, that will be my total for this year, too!

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2236.8 after the Twelfth Step Almost-Solstice Ride. extrapolation for 2018: another 56.5 miles? better check my formula.

going into the home stretch, it looks like the leaders are:

7,655.9 by curt(is)

7,367 by Sean

5,783 by JimM

5,395 by TonyP

and a special mention to:

334 consecutive days cycled by Brett

5249 outdoor as of Christmas Day. Had hoped to do more but c'est la vie  

10237 miles, all outdoors. 7650 miles in Chicago mostly delivering food, and the rest on a northern Mexico bike tour. Also, great weather for this time of the year!

That's some pretty impressive mileage.

It adds up when you're ranging from 30-40 miles a day.  Thanks.

Oh yeah, that part I get. It's more the volume of days cycling that many miles a day that really impresses me.

3368 mi. or 23% less than 2017 thanks to a broken clavicle in Aug. :(

2004.  The  5k years are long in the  rear view  mirror. 

3802 miles (3623 outdoor, 179 indoor) for 2018.

More importantly (for me): 365 consecutive days of outdoor cycling in 2018, biking every single day of the year, and every day outside at that! This month, I started spinning regularly (much harder than my commuting miles) and added some indoor miles for the first time all year. However, I made sure to get on a bike out-of-doors for at least a couple of miles each day, especially since the weather was so cooperative in December (235 outdoor miles, 179 indoor).

I didn’t really set out with an ulterior goal or anything, just thought it would be cool to do. But what I learned (cue inspirational montage) was that you can really bike anywhere you need to go and in just about any weather if you really want to, especially being fortunate to live and work in Chicago (and Oak Park).

And also, I love my bike(s)!

Have a safe and happy New Year’s everyone, and happy biking!

7,628 total miles (6,496 outdoor miles and 1,132 hamster miles).

Setting both indoor and outdoor goals helped me stay focused during the year. My goals for 2019 are 8,500 total miles (7,000 outdoor miles and 1,500 indoor miles)

I've got 268.08 for December which gives me 5672.33 miles for the year.

Fewer miles than I had hoped, but a good year non the less.

As 2018 is now put to rest, I close the year with 5,482 road miles + 2,606 hamster miles for a total of 8,088.9 miles and 50 Perimeter Rides. First year since 2015, when I pedaled 7,388 road miles, in which I failed to surpass 10,000 -- yet I feel good about the year. New goals await.


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