37.4, does that put me in the lead? :-)

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I'm just a bit lower than Tandemonium at roughly 3,650...only because he did a metric century, a camping trip and another long distance ride.

I think you only did those to outpace me in mileage......

Man I feel like a sap, only around 1500 miles or so.  But I have totally not had the chances to ride as much as I'd like on the weekends.

4138 through October. Favorable weather in Nov and Dec might allow a 5000-mile year.

About a twentieth of last years' mileage. It is just too dangerous out there.

2055.9 after the Eleventh Step Ride. was hoping to make it to 2k, made it with a month to spare!

Peter remains in the lead...

Last night's MM ride put me over 3000 miles, I am hopeful for a much better year next year

2746, with the vast majority of those miles ridden since Labor Day.

Just a bit under 6600 for the year. It would be nice to make it a even 7k. We will see what December will bring in terms of weather.

Closing in on 5k. 4573 through the end of November. 4842 through today...

Bad year, less than a hundred.

My place of employment shuts down for the year after this Friday and that will mark the end of my bicycle commute for 2014. I will close out with 5,674 miles.

I did not track my non-commute miles.

My New Year's resolution: Don't track the miles, just rove the moving scenery.

Happy New Year everyone!

1400 non-commuting miles so far.  Last year just broke 1K, and I've been out for the last six weeks with knee problems so I'm happy with 1.4K.


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