For the longest time I've always mounted my bicycle from the non drive side. Recently I've developed a bit of pain in my left hip and knee and found it might be necessary to carefully swing my left leg over from the drive side to even out the workload to my body instead.

It feels like I'm learning to ride all over again!

Just curious to see if there are more experienced ambidextrous riders out there and if they have any tips they can share. 


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I am so far still able to lift my leg over from the left side. I've tried a right side mount a couple times, but quickly circled back to the left. I think learning to ride fixed might be easier.

I'll try and practice that on my fixy when the weather clears up a bit for my fair weather friend.

Hey Juan! You mean I'm not the only one getting old with aches and pains.

The reasoning for the left side bicycle mounting was because the safety bicycle was invented in England, so the chain was put on the traffic side and you mount from the non-traffic side, (also the kickstand side) like mounting a horse. You ride the horse on the left side of the road so you would have your sword hand towards approaching riders to engage them in battle.

I can mount my bicycles from either side so I guess I'm a bi-mounter:-O but I prefer to mount mostly from the right. I guess it's just a habit started as child learning to ride a bike or that I'm just weird. 

Thanks for the purposeful historical information Tom. I'm not 50 yet but am now realizing why the "old folks" complain about their bodys ;) 

I've learned a new helpful trick and realized mounting off the drive side is good when coming to park my bicycle against the wall to my left.

Cool to read you are a right side mounter.

Have you tried swinging your right leg over the handlebars rather than over the saddle?

With my fixy I've tried that. It feels great. With my other bikes it would be difficult with such high handlebars.

Yeah, it's really only easier if your bars are mounted lower than your saddle.

I'm probably just being thick-headed but it's not clear to me how that would work. Let's see, hands on the bars, left foot on left pedal. How do I get my right leg past my arms?

Right hand on bars, swing right leg up releasing the bars and raising hand as leg passes under hand, catching handlebars again as leg clears.

Easy peasy, but I'm superbly dexterous.

Thanks. I think I understand what you're suggesting. The follow-up image in my head is of me on the ground with my bike intertwined with my limbs, the wheels spinning, and a swirl of whatever spinning around my head. Sort of like the aftermath of a Looney Tunes cartoon character crash. I'll take a look at Tom A.K.'s utoob video when I have a few minutes.

Oh no, like Arte Johnson's tricycle ride on "Laugh In".

Tom's video has it at 50 seconds.

Oh yeah, right you are. Ate always managed to get on. Just couldn't stay on. :-)


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