Holy Fracking Cow-- Chicago's top bike thieves arrested



Actually not so exciting that they were arrested again, but that there's solid detective work, evidence, and publicity this time.

I can't say too much about these guys publicly, but this is significant. Too bad it took suburban police to reign them in, however temporarily.


Julie, I think it somewhat likely your coworker's bike is among those seized.  I know Chicago and UIC police are in the habit of checking CSBR as a matter of routine, but I don't know about the suburban police.

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Where: Swap O'Rama 3/12/11. 42nd & Ashland;

Context: Talking shit with Gabe and/or Dr. Doom re: moral relativism;

Other links: I've got a lot. What are you looking for?

I am happy that I have never had any business dealings with these two gentlemen.   I try and run an ethical hobby business with regards to bike restorations and some light custom work.  I don't suppose these guys deal in too many basket-case English 3-speeds, so it wasn't much of a risk in the first place.
Good chance they'll jump bail and not appear on July 12. My bike thief has jumped bail twice now. Wonder how high the bail is.
I'll try and keep my eye out for him myself and spread his picture around.  It's too bad that I suffer from mild/moderate prosopagnosia  All you humans look pretty much the same to me.  I'm not much help here in spotting people.
I see nothing in this article that confirms to me that they bonded out. Do you know that they did? I'm guessing the MSRP dollar value on these Wilmette beauties approached $60K. Bond wasn't cheap.

Michele said:
Good chance they'll jump bail and not appear on July 12. My bike thief has jumped bail twice now. Wonder how high the bail is.
That's me, I'm a refusenik.
Cars I can recognize -even the same exact car.  Heck, I can look at a printed circuit board and tell you what it does mostly just by glancing at it.  Faces, not so much.  Howard called me names in a reply and then deleted it right away before I could even reply.  Whatever.

Given that there are two felonies, bond would be high. But the wording seemed to imply that they were out, but rereading maybe not:
The men were held in Wilmette lock-up over the weekend and taken to bond court at the Skokie Courthouse on Monday. They will return to court on July 12 in room 105 at 1:30 p.m.


My theft occurred in 2007, taken from a backyard in Rogers Park on a Sunday morning - stopped in briefly to a friend's home before starting a ride together. Called 911 minutes after it happened, cops put out an alert and found the thief riding it down Devon Avenue. He skipped court the first time. Got picked up on a bench warrant a year later. Jumped bail. There's still a bench warrant out for him. I could get a call from the State's Attorney at any time but I'm not holding my breath.


Kevin Conway said:

I see nothing in this article that confirms to me that they bonded out. Do you know that they did? I'm guessing the MSRP dollar value on these Wilmette beauties approached $60K. Bond wasn't cheap.

Michele said:
Good chance they'll jump bail and not appear on July 12. My bike thief has jumped bail twice now. Wonder how high the bail is.

Perhaps some semi-vigilantism like is sometimes done to child sex predators.   Say plaster their neighborhoods with fliers of their faces and captioned "beware:  BIKE THIEF!"


James Baum said:

He'll be back to work in a couple of days at the most.
If they are convicted, I have no problem with doing this, only problem is if they bail out and you have all these fliers everywhere, they could sue you for some kind of slander since they are innocent til proven guilty. I think I've heard of a case like this somewhere, maybe it was a L&O episode.

Todd Allen said:

Perhaps some semi-vigilantism like is sometimes done to child sex predators.   Say plaster their neighborhoods with fliers of their faces and captioned "beware:  BIKE THIEF!"


James Baum said:

He'll be back to work in a couple of days at the most.
I have seen this piece of shit before last fall. I went to philly's best on sacramento, locked my bike to pole and this motherfucker was trying to cut my u-lock with a angle grinder, while i waited for my sandwich. I came outside and confronted him, threw my sandwich at his face, got into a tussle with him but he jumped in his crappy minivan and left. I have also spotted him along logan square driving around. wish i would have known that this was the most wanted bike thief in chicago, would of put a real hurtin' on this bitch!
I have seen these guys at the Ravenswood Metra stop.


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