I collided with a car that took my lane at the bottom of the Kinzie bike lane early Tuesday (Jefferson).  A few people stopped but then left after the ambulance arrived.  I had no reason to think the woman would leave (stayed about 10 minutes waiting on police that never arrived) but she sped off after I got in the ambulance.

I know this is a long shot, but if you were one of the few people that saw the accident, please email me immediately at bnfabian@gmail.

Thanks so much!

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I am sorry for your injury and hope you find this person.

I'm sorry that you had to start your day in such a lousy day.  I hope that witnesses will come forward and that the driver is identified and found.

I've tweeted this thread to multiple groups in the hope that someone there might have witnessed your crash. 

I'm wondering if the ambulance had a camera that might have captured the plate.

Ambulance didn't but I've contacted the Blommer factory - they have a few different cameras on the side of their building.

Fingers crossed!  And thanks!

A time and a description of the vehicle would also help.

7:55am-8:05am Tuesday morning.

Could you give a description of the vehicle?


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