Thanks for making all cyclists look like dicks by blowing through the 4 way stop sign going north on Damen by Hamlin Park round 6pm on Thursday 8/22. I was slowing down so the west bound car that had stopped on Barry could proceed. Cars traveling in our direction were stopped too. You seemed not to give a crap and blow through the stop sign. Maybe the Nickelback in your headphones got you in the groove but it was a super douche move. I would have just posted this in missed connections but I wanted to call you out more publicly. I hope you never get hit, but I wont feel too bad if you do. I also hope you made record time. This incident is also why i shoaled you at roscoe. Sorry if you dont have time to stop at a 4 way, I don't have time for you to clip in.   

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I was saying that this rider in particular was making all of us look bad. So I guess, in a sense, I was generalizing all motorists feelings of all cyclists based on an action of one guy. The west bound car was about a quarter on the intersection when this one guy who was wearing this particular brand of clothing. Ok I was probably was stereotyping a bit about douchy guys listening to nickelback. I couldn't hear what he was listening to or do I know if all nickelback guys are douchey. So Ill apologize to nickel back and douchey guys for that one. You could probably take my words about killer times as a dig at the athletic biker subset of cyclists. But he was wearing a track suit, that, to me says that he, more than likely wasn't on a leisurely ride. I don't immediately think all athletic riders are jerks, just the ones that do jerky things. This was a rant about one particular cyclist not a whole subset of cyclists, music lovers, motorists,  or jerky people. 

I think the point that Davo is trying to make is that cyclists already are stereotyped and in order to break the stereotypes the group needs to act responsibly.

The rest of the rant was clearly an attack on Nickleback and Canada as a whole.  How dare you, Davo?

h' 1.0 said:

Davo, I understand your outrage, but consider-

When people make blanket negative statements about a subset of the population based on the behaviors of a smaller subset, we call it bigotry, racism, stereotyping...

Should we really be doing the same to ourselves?

Is it generally agreed that rude/reckless/dangerous drivers give "good" drivers a bad name? Is it generally accepted that one is justified in making negative statements about all motorists because some set a poor example?

I don't have time for you to clip in.   

Clipping in takes time?

The rest of the rant was clearly an attack on Nickleback and Canada as a whole.  How dare you, Davo?

I did apologize to Nickelback. As for Canada, I'm still pretty upset about their bacon.... thats not bacon its ham!.

I don't have time for you to clip in.

Im referring to the slow roll to pick up speed while clipping in. Maybe its more to do with the gear ratio. I find myself being faster "at the starting line" while not trying to be aggressive than those who generally clip in. That gets annoying if I am timing the lights better then the clip in person.

I have nothing against Canada other than the pain of buying gas, and the fact that every sign and instruction is bilingual except in the province that doesn't use English.

Not officially part of Route Verte, but there are bike-friendly places listed along this stretch running through the Charlevoix.


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