Specifically what behaviors do you feel subjected to, especially those of other cyclists, that annoy/irritate/frighten you that you feel you disproportionately experience as a direct result of your gender identity.

I am exploring this as a possible topic for an upcoming video education piece. So hit me.

Feel free to send me your thoughts in an email (jason@activetrans.org) if you don't feel like sharing with the group.

Thanks all!

Jason Jenkins

Education Specialist

Active Trans

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Great come-back!

On the bright side, when I bought my Trek a decade ago at (the late) Turin in Evanston, the guy who sold it to me said that unless I have a personal issue with it or unless I plan to ride in skirts all the time, I should definitely get a man's bike because it's sturdier.  I was going to, anyway, but in retrospect, it was great that he said that.  (And there's another bike shop where I never had any gender weirdness--also the Pony Shop in Evanston.)

Peenworm "8 mile" Grubologist said:

"It's not a man's bike. It is my bike." 

echo said:

"Why did you get a man's bike?

Thank you - one of the best purchases ever! Some people say money can't buy happiness, but I think they just don't know where to buy a Long Haul Trucker :)

echo said:

And your bike sounds pretty sweet! 

Muscular calves are awesome! I'm occasionally subjected to the same comments from one of my older female relatives, but I'm proud of my legs--they took thousands of miles running/biking to build up, and I can go pretty far and fast because of them. 

yai danche said:

Some extremist Islamic countries consider bicycles and other modes where you have to put something between your legs to be lewd and women are banned from riding bicycles and scooters, etc.  And on horses and camels, they have to sit side saddle.  

Although most Americans don't view cycling and women this way, I do think there's an "unladylike" perception to cycling.  Mostly having to do with sweat and looking overly "athletic."  My older female relatives lament that my calves are getting too bulky (newsflash, my body just does what it wants!).

Plus you can clown on buff fit dudes with them spindly legs because calf mass is tough to build at the gym. 

ehhh, I dont think you all get over taken at lights because youre a woman...its just what people do.

I have women do that to me riding a cheap mountain bike w/ a crooked helmet. 

IMO its pretty rare for a person to stay behind you at a light.

Get ready for a shitstorm bro

Jason said:

ehhh, I dont think you all get over taken at lights because youre a woman...its just what people do.

I have women do that to me riding a cheap mountain bike w/ a crooked helmet. 

IMO its pretty rare for a person to stay behind you at a light.

I believe the term is "mansplaining."  And hopefully my tone doesn't comes across as "mansplaining" as I write this.  

echo said:

1. My god, do any of you guys coming on here to tell us women that we're wrong even bother to read the earlier posts?

No, clearly not...I guess that requires them to have the assumption that women would have valuable or intelligent things to say that are worthy of reading before posting about how wrong we are. Silly me! 

2. No one asked for your opinion--read the original post. 

Jason said:

ehhh, I dont think you all get over taken at lights because youre a woman...its just what people do.

I have women do that to me riding a cheap mountain bike w/ a crooked helmet. 

IMO its pretty rare for a person to stay behind you at a light.

Thank you. I wanted to post a response to that ridiculous "hey men!" thread but didn't want to bump it. It's that kind of thing that makes me feel totally unwelcome in a biking community. 

echo said:

I would like to add something else...or elaborate because I've kind of already said this...

A pet peeve of mine is trying to actually work with other cyclists about issues like sexism in cycling (and we haven't even touched upon racism or classism here), but then:

- Being dismissed or told that my feelings and experiences are wrong (see previous posts on this thread). 

- Having the whole thing treated as a joke or that by trying to address sexism it is somehow unfair or unequal and that men need a space to talk about how bad things happen to them, too http://www.thechainlink.org/forum/topics/hey-men-what-are-your-bigg...

Okay dudes, I get it. A lot of you* really don't want women here in your territory. Or, at least, you want us to shut the fuck up. You've already proven that point so I'm not sure why you're 'beating a dead horse?'

Good luck, ATA! If you want to make cycling a welcoming community for women...you have your work cut out for ya. 

*Peenworm clearly stands out in this crowd as an ally


Peenworm "8 mile" Grubologist said:

Plus you can clown on buff fit dudes with them spindly legs because calf mass is tough to build at the gym. 

Great posts (this one and the others you wrote) - thanks, echo.

echo said:

I would like to add something else...or elaborate because I've kind of already said this...

A pet peeve of mine is trying to actually work with other cyclists about issues like sexism in cycling (and we haven't even touched upon racism or classism here), but then:

- Being dismissed or told that my feelings and experiences are wrong (see previous posts on this thread). 

- Having the whole thing treated as a joke or that by trying to address sexism it is somehow unfair or unequal and that men need a space to talk about how bad things happen to them, too http://www.thechainlink.org/forum/topics/hey-men-what-are-your-bigg...

Okay dudes, I get it. A lot of you* really don't want women here in your territory. Or, at least, you want us to shut the fuck up. You've already proven that point so I'm not sure why you're 'beating a dead horse?'

Good luck, ATA! If you want to make cycling a welcoming community for women...you have your work cut out for ya. 

*Peenworm clearly stands out in this crowd as an ally

The question wasn't "What do you, as a woman, feel you're subjected to that men aren't?" It was what we feel we disproportionately have to endure as women. I think we can agree that we all get shoaled by people who are obviously casual cyclists that don't know shoaling is rude. But it's another thing to get shoaled by men who obviously fancy themselves cyclists, and shoal us despite evidence that we're going faster or are more agile than they are.

Jason said:

ehhh, I dont think you all get over taken at lights because youre a woman...its just what people do.

I have women do that to me riding a cheap mountain bike w/ a crooked helmet. 

IMO its pretty rare for a person to stay behind you at a light.


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