just past Clyborn tonight. Thank you for slowing down to give me room to pass the truck that was in the bike lane. Your courtesy was greatly appreciated. 

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It's nice to know that others notice a simple courtesy and appreciate it.




Maybe this is why I have a tendency to get lost. 

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:



If you're gonna live in a city, you might as well spell the street names correctly. :-)

My other pet peeve? People saying Madison Avenue instead of Madison Street. Madison Avenue is in New York.

Elizabeth M. said:


Maybe this is why I have a tendency to get lost. 

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:



THAT one I do get right! 

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

If you're gonna live in a city, you might as well spell the street names correctly. :-)

My other pet peeve? People saying Madison Avenue instead of Madison Street. Madison Avenue is in New York.

Elizabeth M. said:


Maybe this is why I have a tendency to get lost. 

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:



I love it when folks treat each other right on the streets - and acknowledge it here.  :)


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