A quick thanks

Thank you Leah for throwing up the chainlink.
I enjoy reading what people have to say...
meeting new people...
and going to posted events!

Let's give Leah a thanks for the hard work in making and keeping up the Chainlink!!!!

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Thanks again, Leah! It's a wonderful site! Let's keep it rolling and can't wait for the anniversary party! Keep in touch.

Thanks too for hosting Saturday afternoon. I had a good time, it's always nice to make new friends and meet new peeps.
aw shucks. thank YOU guys for being here! you make the site what it is!
Yay!!! Thank you Leah. I love this site.
Me 8!

LeslieB said:
Yay!!! Thank you Leah. I love this site.
Multi Grazie for creating a site more addictive than crack! Realize that I'm STILL gonna be prowling about here when I'm 1000 miles south for the holidays! :-)
I promise I'll never throw up in front of you. :)

h3 said:
Thank you Leah for throwing up the chainlink.>>
An image I didn't need in my head . . .
Leah- ah ha, that's why you never drink at the Chainlink Bar nights!

Leah said:
I promise I'll never throw up in front of you. :)

h3 said:
Thank you Leah for throwing up the chainlink.>>
An image I didn't need in my head . . .
** BIG hug for Leah **

Oh man... I just smeared chain grease all over the back of your shirt. Shhhh, nobody tell her.
Your secret is safe with me....

Chi Tour de Cure said:

Oh man... I just smeared chain grease all over the back of your shirt. Shhhh, nobody tell her.


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