Read this.

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Why so cryptic with your title and description?  What can we do here?
I meant: what can we do about the bill, specifically?  Activism is not my forte.  Some guidance would be helpful.  Thanks

As if I needed to be reminded again why Republicans are good for no one. (through Democrats in there too, while your at it)  I'm thinking of just painting bike lanes in myself, like those cyclists in Brooklyn did not too far back.  If I have to fight, I will.  Who's with me?!  

Looks like things stay "as is" for at least 6 more months

On one side of me I have this apathy. A sense of helplessness. On the other side is self-righteousness. A hope that they can do all they want, but peak oil is going to set them straight in the end.

use this link to send a message to your senator asking for support:

I wonder if these Goops have had bad encounters with cyclists and pedestrians due to their poor driving skills.
Don't Mercedes and Range Rovers drive themselves?

Juan said:
I wonder if these Goops have had bad encounters with cyclists and pedestrians due to their poor driving skills.


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