We've solved it the helmet debate with science...check out our blog (copied/pasted below).



Ethan Spotts, Active Trans


Our in-house scientist gives the final word on helmets

For years, we here at Active Trans have been the proverbial rope in a tug of war between both sides of the "great helmet debate."

We've heard it all: "Everyone in helmets, everywhere all the time!" to "Helmets are a scam and detrimental to the movement!" And everything in between.

Well, we finally decided to settle the matter once and for all using SCIENCE, slow motion photography and fruit. (Melon is a fruit right? Or is it a nightshade? Awww man, did we just open up another controversy?!)



(sorry we couldn't embed this)


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I've had my life saved by a helmet and will always take the advice of our neighbors in the Great White North.  Respect your melon, wear a helmet, eh!


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