Just caught this little bastard trying to steal a front tire of a bike at Albany and Logan. Made him reattach the wheel and took his wrench. A little too young to punch in the mouth. He rides an all black fixie with shorty straight bars. Lock em up tight.

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Good thought - if anyone can track them down. My cynical side wonders whether they are unaware of what a scumbag their son has apparently become, or if they're part of the problem. I have no personal knowledge of them, so I don't know which might be accurate.

NYC (7.0 mi) said:

Somebody should call his mom and dad.

We could just publicly shame the thieves that we see...feel free to print and hang these.

if you're old enough to steal bikes on the street, you're old enough for a bunch in the mouth.

I would if someone could locate them

Anne Alt said:

Good thought - if anyone can track them down. My cynical side wonders whether they are unaware of what a scumbag their son has apparently become, or if they're part of the problem. I have no personal knowledge of them, so I don't know which might be accurate.

NYC (7.0 mi) said:

Somebody should call his mom and dad.

I'm kind of bummed, it appears his facebook has been taken down.  

Thanks to the OP for getting his photo/being a good citizen and saving the wheel!

looks like he has a few facebook pages


I'm pretty sure the back wheel on his Craigslist post is mine. It went missing last week on my vacation. I live in humboldt.

Where's his criagslist post?

He's a member of this group as well:


Go to facebook and report the group as a theft ring.

Nice catch. He's in different groups with this fb, but important to note: 

JDM Slutlist Chicago

The Homeboy Hookup

iCell Chicago!

Jdm Slutlist

Chicagoland Car Sellers & Buyers

E.L.A.B( East Leyden Anti Bullying )

Eric Dahl said:

looks like he has a few facebook pages


Does anyone else just want to beat the brakes off these beatnik losers?


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