I am so ready for Spring. I know there are quite a few hard core winter cyclist here but,,,,dog gone it my cycling tan lines are fadeing!!!!!!!

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That's one thing I definitely DON'T miss: Hurricane season. I've been through two evacuations, and it's murder. It took me almost 10 hours to go 90 miles with my cats in tow. Lotsa laffs, that. ;-)
chicago never had a hurricane did it? at least not since the hall of records mysteriously blew away in 1979. (sorry, I sometimes can't help it with the simpsons refs)
Use your main finger! Turn the middle side topwise, topwise!

GabeW said:
chicago never had a hurricane did it? at least not since the hall of records mysteriously blew away in 1979. (sorry, I sometimes can't help it with the simpsons refs)
That is true. I almost forgot about the New Madrid fault line. I remember that tiny quake as well. I thought it was a big truck at first, then realised what it was. Earthquakes Are very creepy to us in the midwest. In 1987 the New Madrid fault line moved and shook things up a little more. Especially down south near Vincennes Indiana, and of course St Louis. The new Madrid is actually responsible for the biggest quake in U. S. History. In 1811 it caused what, it is theorised now, a 11.5 scale quake. Bigger than San Francisco in 1906 and bigger than Alaska in the 1960's. But few european settlers were out here then, so it does not get much press.

GabeW said:
There was an earthquake here about a year ago. Early in the morning, south of us, so we felt the aftershock. I was on the toilet at the time, but it wasn't quite strong enough to shake me off.

Reddog said:
It is cold.
I still would take Chicago winters any day over a hurricane or earthquake. When this is all over, my apartment building will still be standing.
now I remember why we put that damn thing down here in the first place.

And I would keep this discussion going...it's a load bearing forum.

Kate said:
Use your main finger! Turn the middle side topwise, topwise!
GabeW said:
chicago never had a hurricane did it? at least not since the hall of records mysteriously blew away in 1979. (sorry, I sometimes can't help it with the simpsons refs)
Yeah, but the folks in San Fran have to deal with hills like crazy...not just going down milwaukee and going over the highway...http://www.bigfoto.com/sites/galery/san-francisco/san_francisco_53_...

RodimusPrime said:
they should, because in my opinion we have a trump card to any cycling argument that might arise

" i bike in -11.7 degree weather. suck it"

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Should they be jealous of -11.2 F temps?

BK said:
We have a unique biking opprotunity that people in warm weather states don't get. We get to ride in sun and snow. They should be jealous of us.
Being a former San Francisco resident, just like riding in the sub-zero here, you get used the hills, and learn to love em. I equate the gloriousness of spring in the midwest with speeding down those hills of SF after sweating yourself climbing up em!

And thanks for the hand warmer advice, travesty!
Like it or not Mid-Westerns are a tough core of people. Be it Chicago, Kenosha, Ann Arbor, Hammond, Clevland, Davenport, etc. We still have almost 3 months of winter: Jan., Feb., Mar. If you think about the time not spent riding it can drive you mad seeing people in the South riding bikes in shorts and t-shirts. Since you have the time off use it to train. Go walking, snowshoe, cross-country skiing, weight-training, swimming. Upgrade your bike parts. Inventory your riding gear and see what you need. Clean your rides and make repairs and or overhauls. Trust me, even if you are not riding, you still live here having to enduring the enivironment instead of being a candy-ass and wintering in Florida. When Spring does arrive grab it with both hands and hold on! The first spring ride will have you stoned in the head and sore in the legs!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Plus we have no insect life to piss you off-bees,hornets,wasps,spiders, mosquitos. P.S. Try diving in Lake Michigan in the winter if you want to feel some real cold. I did this back in December. Water temp was 33 F at surface. Air temp was in the teens. The water was warmer belive it or not.
I hear ya Bob!! I'm getting a little tired of dressing up like Ralphie everyday to go out and ride, but I still do it, its better than the alternatives
And fer a little skewed perspective: I'm a born and bred Southerner (who was forced to have brief forays into this so-called "weather" in my teens), and I simply think seasons and all their requisite accoutrements are highly overrated! ;-)

But I FREAKED my first winter up here; riding my indoor trainer, sweating like a mob informant and ruining the glistening luster on my hardwood floors became a perverse ritual. I decided I hated doing it. So for every winter since, I balled up and just RODE. Do I love it? NO F'ING WAY. But it beats the hell out of the alternatives. And I have to admit, it's made me appreciate "mild" days like today.

But all in all, give me HOT 24-7/365. Down south, you have to endure soul-blistering heat for three months, but for the rest of the time, the climes are nigh-Paradise. I'm simply not used to being hampered by weather when it comes to riding my bikes, and I'm afraid my brain is running out of space to keep all these newfound bold cusswords I've invented while cycling out in the elements! I've unfortunately never been fatter than now, and sincerely miss being able to ride 150-200 miles a week, year-round.

But what the hell do I know? Vive la difference and Laissez les bon temps rouler!!! :-)

Jim said:
Like it or not Mid-Westerns are a tough core of people. Be it Chicago, Kenosha, Ann Arbor, Hammond, Clevland, Davenport, etc. We still have almost 3 months of winter: Jan., Feb., Mar. If you think about the time not spent riding it can drive you mad seeing people in the South riding bikes in shorts and t-shirts. Since you have the time off use it to train. Go walking, snowshoe, cross-country skiing, weight-training, swimming. Upgrade your bike parts. Inventory your riding gear and see what you need. Clean your rides and make repairs and or overhauls. Trust me, even if you are not riding, you still live here having to enduring the enivironment instead of being a candy-ass and wintering in Florida. When Spring does arrive grab it with both hands and hold on! The first spring ride will have you stoned in the head and sore in the legs!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Plus we have no insect life to piss you off-bees,hornets,wasps,spiders, mosquitos. P.S. Try diving in Lake Michigan in the winter if you want to feel some real cold. I did this back in December. Water temp was 33 F at surface. Air temp was in the teens. The water was warmer belive it or not.
Hey Jason, I thought all you southern boys were supposed to be on the thick side? Just funnin' witcha, you mentioned that you are from New Orleans, so I could see why you would enjoy eating. Probably one of my favorite cities to eat in, mostly cause I am a pseudo vegitarian,I do eat seafood, so I was in heaven when I visited N.O. Come spring time I am sure we will all lose some of our hibernateing fat layers,,I hope!
More power to you Jason. Do you miss home ever? Do not worry about having a few extra pounds, I weigh in at 240 lbs. Living this far north forces you to gain weight as insulation from the cold. Bears do the same thing before hiberanting for the winter! HAHAHAHAHA It impress me that you log in the miles for as cold as it is. I used to ride in the winter back in the mid 90's but had some pretty brutal crashes and other maldies. I do not mind the dry cold, but add the snow and ice it makes for hair raising riding conditions. The idea of getting injured in winter never sits well with most people since you screw yourself out of riding in spring and summer. Back in the 90's it hardly ever snowed. Ever since 2005 we get lots of snow now. I have been out riding as low as -15 F. No good way to enjoy it, you tell your body to take the beatin' even if your brain is saying no. That why I took up cross-training. The snowshoeing is alot of fun and beats you harder than biking going uphill. The muscle groups that are used are the same as those for biking. Try it, you may like it Jason. If not, keep on riding and kicking old man winter's ass! HAHAHAHAHA

justJason said:
And fer a little skewed perspective: I'm a born and bred Southerner (who was forced to have brief forays into this so-called "weather" in my teens), and I simply think seasons and all their requisite accoutrements are highly overrated! ;-)

But I FREAKED my first winter up here; riding my indoor trainer, sweating like a mob informant and ruining the glistening luster on my hardwood floors became a perverse ritual. I decided I hated doing it. So for every winter since, I balled up and just RODE. Do I love it? NO F'ING WAY. But it beats the hell out of the alternatives. And I have to admit, it's made me appreciate "mild" days like today.

But all in all, give me HOT 24-7/365. Down south, you have to endure soul-blistering heat for three months, but for the rest of the time, the climes are nigh-Paradise. I'm simply not used to being hampered by weather when it comes to riding my bikes, and I'm afraid my brain is running out of space to keep all these newfound bold cusswords I've invented while cycling out in the elements! I've unfortunately never been fatter than now, and sincerely miss being able to ride 150-200 miles a week, year-round.

But what the hell do I know? Vive la difference and Laissez les bon temps rouler!!! :-)

Jim said:
Like it or not Mid-Westerns are a tough core of people. Be it Chicago, Kenosha, Ann Arbor, Hammond, Clevland, Davenport, etc. We still have almost 3 months of winter: Jan., Feb., Mar. If you think about the time not spent riding it can drive you mad seeing people in the South riding bikes in shorts and t-shirts. Since you have the time off use it to train. Go walking, snowshoe, cross-country skiing, weight-training, swimming. Upgrade your bike parts. Inventory your riding gear and see what you need. Clean your rides and make repairs and or overhauls. Trust me, even if you are not riding, you still live here having to enduring the enivironment instead of being a candy-ass and wintering in Florida. When Spring does arrive grab it with both hands and hold on! The first spring ride will have you stoned in the head and sore in the legs!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Plus we have no insect life to piss you off-bees,hornets,wasps,spiders, mosquitos. P.S. Try diving in Lake Michigan in the winter if you want to feel some real cold. I did this back in December. Water temp was 33 F at surface. Air temp was in the teens. The water was warmer belive it or not.


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