Happy New Year! What Is Your 2016 New Year's Bike-Related Resolution?

Photo by SnowyMountain Photography

Planning on riding your first RAGBRAI? First Century? Competing in your first race? Or maybe you have a number of miles or feet of elevation or commutes you'd like to do by the end of 2016? 

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I've been thinking about what I'd like to tackle this year e.g. another century or two or three? another RAGBRAI? another attempt at the Horribly Hilly Hundred (I had bronchitis on my first attempt so it didn't go so well)? faster time at Barry Roubaix? all of the above? 

Some ideas!

That's really nice! Did you draw that?

Thanks but no, I'm not that talented! Haha

I copied them from the Internet and remembered I had them on my computer. Might have been from Bicycling.com?

I biked from my home to Milwaukee this year, so this year I want to bike to Madison.  Would have to do it in two days though.

The Dream Trip for the year is to ride the 500 mi from home to Mackinaw using a combination of USBR 35 and the LMB Shore Line West routes ... just my wife and I on a credit card tour, not the supported LMB trip.

I'd also like to try some GPS doodles. 

Tips for making them

Happy New Year, everyone.

Be the kind of cyclist I want others to be.

Good one!

Go places I haven't and see things I wouldn't any other way.


Find a Coop space with storage there for me & basic 1room stuff, kitchen privileges; plus 3-7 bikes near enuf to work, DesPlaines & Madison/Washington in West LOOP. I want to relocate near work. Formerly a resident North, Lincoln Squre, Evanston, Brighton Park, and originally many moons ago Hyde Park, BOY... Ps I am a former bike mechani with tools, standard, mega old used parts, etc.

I've just set my 2016 riding goal - combined with Chicago 77 Challenge to see all 77 of Chicago's community areas. https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20160106/west-ridge/chicago-77-chal...


What a great idea. I bet there are also a lot of great restaurants to visit as you ride through the neighborhoods. Please share pics if you could. I'd love to see your visits to the different neighborhoods. 


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