It starts today! Bike to Work Week events are happening now:

Streets for Cycling Plan 2020 Open House
77 S. Dearborn -- building lobby
Saturday, June 9, 2012
10 a.m.–4 p.m. 

Second annual Cargo Bike Roll Call & Happy Hour
2459 W. Division St. (West Town Bikes), 6-11p.m. (map it)
Meet other people who ride and like cargo bikes!


And as of today, the Challenge is for keeps:

Bike Commuter Challenge: "Rivals" from Active Trans on Vimeo.

Good luck and we'll see you out there!

Brian Morrissey and the Active Trans B2WW team

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The link to SFC Open House connects to the mail system for Active Trans and not the Open House.

Sorry about that, Jennifer!

Happy Bike to Work Week, Chainlinkers!

Ethan Spotts, Active Trans

My job is giving 15% off anyone that shows their helmet at checkout. Is there somewhere else I can post about it?

Kramer's health store & cafe

230 S. Wabash

you could post it in deals and steals.

Not sure about on the active trans commuter challenge website. 

Nice little pitstop this morning on Wells. Signed up for my renewal membership and received a nifty t-shirt for renewing with Active Trans. Lots of cyclists there, too. Looks like a great week for riding.

11.25miles morning commute today.  Thanks to the guys at the pit stop in front of Cafe Mustache.  The coffee was AMAZING.   Looking forward to the evening commute and the rest of the week!

3 mile hot commute this morning...renewed my Active Trans membership with the good folks at McDonald's Cycle Center.

8 miles of a sweaty commute and I am happy I didn't wear my office clothes while cycling today. I am sure my office mates are happy about it, too. I noticed a lot of cyclists this morning and not as many cars on Lincoln, which is unusual during the time I commute. Looks like the first day of bike to work week is working!

Children's Memorial is now closed.  In a redevelopment study, they attributed 30% of vehicle traffic on Lincoln (in that area) to Children's Memorial.  Could be the culprit.

However, on Wells between about Ontario and Kinzie, car traffic was crazy, blocking intersections, sitting in the bike lane, honking, etc.  I never saw the issue, just waved as I breezed by the "parked" cars on my bicycle.

Melanie K said:

8 miles of a sweaty commute and I am happy I didn't wear my office clothes while cycling today. I am sure my office mates are happy about it, too. I noticed a lot of cyclists this morning and not as many cars on Lincoln, which is unusual during the time I commute. Looks like the first day of bike to work week is working!

Something was going on at Merchandise Mart, there were tons of pedestrians wearing bus-cas and name tags at that intersection and a camera crew or two.

Scott H said:

Children's Memorial is now closed.  In a redevelopment study, they attributed 30% of vehicle traffic on Lincoln (in that area) to Children's Memorial.  Could be the culprit.

However, on Wells between about Ontario and Kinzie, car traffic was crazy, blocking intersections, sitting in the bike lane, honking, etc.  I never saw the issue, just waved as I breezed by the "parked" cars on my bicycle.

Melanie K said:

8 miles of a sweaty commute and I am happy I didn't wear my office clothes while cycling today. I am sure my office mates are happy about it, too. I noticed a lot of cyclists this morning and not as many cars on Lincoln, which is unusual during the time I commute. Looks like the first day of bike to work week is working!

NeoCon is in town at the Merchandise Mart through Wednesday this week.  Expect high density traffic (vehicles and pedestrians) in River North in general, and specifically around the Mart and nearby hotels.

Is this specific to Bike to Work Week, or is this a general policy?  Just curious.

alex said:

My job is giving 15% off anyone that shows their helmet at checkout. Is there somewhere else I can post about it?

Kramer's health store & cafe

230 S. Wabash


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