Are you a fan of The Chainlink? (and who isn't ;)  )  Are you in town for Bike the Drive, May 30th? If so, would you be willing to hang out with The Chainlink for BTD?

The Chainlink will have a table and tent at Bike the Drive, where we'll be handing out bookmarks, chatting up the cyclists about the site, and allowing people to sign up. And we need your help! If you could spare a couple of hours to hang out with us, we would really appreciate it! It's a really fun day with typically beautiful weather, and it's a nice way to meet new cyclists.

Please let Julie or me know if you can help out! Email us at or


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I'll stop by and chat! Haven't met you fine folk of da chainlink yet.
I wanted to bike the drive but financial situations came up so I had to work more and more but if i can get the day off I would be down.
Gonna be there, wish I could but just can't hang out... been recruited for Volunteer Accommodations. Will be talking up the ChainLink just the same. Tell me if there's anything else that can be done while always bein' on the move.
I'm signed up to ride, but am totally down for sparing some time to talk up the cl or help out!
Awesome! I'll be working on the schedule tonight. A couple of people have contacted us offline as well.
We will be in the Big Top, Tent #65!
I plan on riding this one... I'll be sure to stop by the table and say hi!
I'll stop by for a bit.
Anyone wanna meet up at Bryn Mawr entrance at 5:30?


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