Green Machine Cycles grand opening doubles as Cargo Bike Roll Call on 10-27-13

Green Machine Cycles interior

Sunday, October 27th, 2013
2 PM to 10 PM

at Green Machine Cycles
1634 W Montrose Avenue
Chicago, IL 60613

Facebook event page
The Chainlink event page

Join me and several other cargo bike owners for a special grand opening of Green Machine Cycles, Ezra Hozinsky's new bike shop specializing in utility cycling. We'll provide some locally brewed beer but you can also bring your own drinks.

Ezra is working to get a champion pumpkin carver to attend the competition. Bring the largest pumpkin you can find, or a the most small pumpkins, to win a prize.

Cargo bikes inside Green Machine Cycles. Cargo bikes inside Green Machine Cycles.[/caption]

Ezra is looking for a farm or individual who will take the rotting pumpkins weeks after the event to ensure an environmentally-friendly disposal. Central to Ezra's business is running it sustainably – read more about his goals in Bicycle Retailer. He will also seek volunteers to cart away participants' pumpkins to this location for a film and photo project.

As always, there's no need to own a cargo bike to come to a Cargo Bike Roll Call event! Plus, you might have a cargo bike and not even know it (panniers, baskets, racks, you got it!).

Xtracycle Edgerunner cargo bike for sale at Green Machine Cycles.

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I see an Edgerunner!  Can't wait to check it out.

Yea! I'll hitch up my dog trailer or somethin.'

There already is another bike shop nearby on Broadway and Leland. Does this mean there is a demand for more than one bicycle shop to serve the community? If so that is a good sign for bike culture.

It's the second cargobike shop in the city. Ezra's focusing on touring, utility, and cargo bikes, while providing products and conducting his business in the most green/sustainable manner (this is best described in the Bicycle Retailer News article about the shop). 

I hope to see you there on Sunday!

Juan 2-8 mi. said:

There already is another bike shop nearby on Broadway and Leland. Does this mean there is a demand for more than one bicycle shop to serve the community? If so that is a good sign for bike culture.


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