Does anyone know if Chicago is ever planning on doing what is done in other cities with bike lanes - paint them green so they are more visible?

I really think this would help solve the problem of people parking in the spaces.


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I love the contrast on the bike lanes and agree it would encourage drivers to stay out. I would just like to see it done in a way that doesn't make it hazardous or slippery when wet.  

Isn't there a strip of green on the southbound Elston bike lane, just to the north of Division?

Is that the only green bike lane in Chicago? Seems like I've seen green elsewhere, but can't recall where right now. Maybe Milwaukee and Augusta?

Anyway, I like the green. We need this.

Good call - I see this in other cities all the time so I assume there must be a type of paint that isnt slick when wet.

I'd raise my hands for that  

Rich S said:

I love the contrast on the bike lanes and agree it would encourage drivers to stay out. I would just like to see it done in a way that doesn't make it hazardous or slippery when wet.  

The Evanston bike lane is green and it really stands out.

There's a strip of green on Dearborn just south of Chicago. It's where the left most car lane crosses the bike lane to become the left turn lane onto Chicago. The bike lane and car lane basically cross. Sometimes drivers let you cross before making the left onto Chicago and sometimes they try to kill you. That little section is hairy! 

There is green on Kinzie.

I'm skeptical the green will be maintained based on the disappearing bike lane markings across the city.

This lane looks great, but why is it the opposite of the Evanston Church Street bike lane? The Evanston lane is in between side walk and parked cars. I can't wait till Chicago avenue is done from Northwestern to at least Main Street.(Bike Lanes)

Im confident it will help now in the short turn and with enough oversight and pressure from our bike community we can keep them maintained.

Chicago's bike community kicks ass!

How many miles of protected/buffered/marked lanes do we have now vs 10 years ago?


Yes it does Dave

David Barish said:

The Evanston bike lane is green and it really stands out.

Glad you asked this, Aaron! We submitted this exact question as one of many from the community reps for next week's Mayor's Bicycle Advisory Council meeting. Thermoplastic paint was used on prior new bike lanes but is very expensive. However, regular paint is being used on the Dearborn PBL, which won't last as long but is much cheaper and can be touched up often. So why not use regular green paint to make the Dearborn PBL more visible? Plus, Chicago is proud to be chosen as one of six cities nationwide to take part in the Green Lane Project, so I say we make it an actual green lane. If we're going to do something, let's go big.

Here's some of the green on Elston, which looks nice, but it's only in the high conflict areas.


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