Muggings continue on the 606 Trail - Cameras Inactive NBC5 Reports

Five armed robberies in the last month. 9-19-16 to 10-19-16.

Source: by Laura Podesta 8-28-16

"Thieves are targeting people on the 606 Trail again, including a grandfather, Luis Altamirano, 69, who was mugged in broad daylight on Saturday at 11 a.m. by three men, two were on bikes.

This is the second attack on the 606 Trail in recent weeks. Earlier this month, a 30-year old woman was assaulted by another woman on a bike."

More police patrolling is needed on the 6O6 Trail to keep it safe and secure.

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10-20-16. Recent muggings on the 6O6.

Five armed robberies in the last month.

What about police cam installations? Would that be a reliable deterrent?

There are cameras on the 6O6 now, but in the dark with hats and hoodies it gets hard to identify anyone much less catch them later.

That is probably the stupidest invocation of "effective cycling" that I have ever read.

You might be better off just starting your own thread arguing for it.

For the 6 armed muggings on the 606, there were probably 2 to 3x that amount on City streets during the same time period.  They just don't make the news with as much regularity. 

The 606 needs to be made safer, but we live in a big city, and muggings are an unfortunate reality that needs to be dealt with everywhere. 

In other news tons of muggings are happening all over the city.

Not to mention all the, you know, shootings, murders and other insanity that is happening every day all over the city.

But hey, let's get right on the handful of issues on the 606 because they seem important

What's wrong with letting the naive amongst us be informed about what is actually happening in a perceived 'safe police patrolled' area? Especially when you are a sitting duck in a limited escape option area. It's just an area that all that use it should understand the risks and are not fooled by any so-called patrol promises. It is a bit of a different kind of place in this town.
Just found this on the NBC5 site:

"Crime on the 6O6 rarely solved, cameras inactive".

NBC5 investigations reveals that security cameras on the 6O6 are inactive and not able to record criminal activity for security or identification on the trail.


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