10+ years of commuting, and I finally got one! Stop sign at Haussen, which is just south of Belmont on Milwaukee. I did my usual Idaho Stop timing: check the crossing guard, watch the timing of the traffic, follow the car through going my way on my turn. Head up, checking both directions. He maintained that I didn't even slow, but I hate it when people at/close to an intersection are watching a moving vehicle and trying to say they can tell when it slows.

I've had this discussion before...at a mostly straight on angle, a slow of 3-5 mph means a good 5+ second difference on when you cross intersection, and that is imperceptible to a viewer at that angle, but whatever.

Also, officer and I had a nice discussion afterwards, so there was no animosity. But I thought I'd share the story.

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He is there 2-4 times a week, same time. There is traffic but it doesn't slow me down.  That day was pretty bad.

It's not so much that it slows me down, as I feel it's dangerous. I had a real near miss on Granville riding to the right of stopped traffic like that, and I generally hate doing it, but it's better than sitting between two cars breathing their exhaust.  If there's a way to circumvent that section, I may try it.

Milwaukee is definitely the most direct for me, but I may head north to Montrose and over to Elston and try that. Sucks that that will probably add at least 10-15 minutes to what is already over an hour commute.

I know the plans are there for a bike lane from Lawrence to Addison on Milwaukee, and I've heard Ald. Rebroyas is a cyclist, so supposedly once they resurface, I'm guessing there will at least be sharrows from Addison down to Logan Blvd. Those might help a bit.

If you'd like to avoid that section of Milwaukee with minimal diversion, turn left at Pulaski, first right on Roscoe and take it all the way til it stops at Central Park. (I'm not sure if there is a way to turn off of Roscoe from Milwaukee) Then Central Park back to Milwaukee. Or just take Belmont, but you still have to get past Federico Garcia Lorca (the school, not the poet :) )

Haussen is the only stop sign on Milwaukee for a couple of miles in either direction. South, the next one is in front of Irazu. North, it's somewhere in Jefferson Park.

There's also a stop sign at Moffat/Oakley. Most cyclists blow that stop. 

I've been thinking about stop signs on Milwaukee north of Haussen, I'm not sure there are any in Jefferson Park.  Those could be the only 2 

Yeah, there definitely aren't any between the viaduct north of Lawrence and Irving. North of that you get the Gladstone Park speedway.

Sorry, can't help myself: In the introduction to this tale: it's "nicked". Knicks are a basketball team or short for knickers, those British pants. It just jumped out at me!
Congratulats on getting along w/ the officer and thanks for interesting story.
Sorry, can't help myself: In the introduction to this tale: it's "nicked". Knicks are a basketball team or short for knickers, those British pants. It just jumped out at me!
Congratulats on getting along with the officer and thanks for interesting story.

Um? I can't find reference to "nick" or "knick" anywhere. Where did you see it?

Hi! It was in the newsletter, before one clicks onto the actual story. I don't know who wrote it; sorry to be so silly.

Thanks for the cautionary tale.

At least there's no video! So you might stand a chance. 

$100 is excessive, but if you're like me (I rarely stop at Stop signs when there's no cross-traffic and only slow down when there is), the cop probably assumes you do it regularly. 

Keep us posted on how it turns out.

A friend and I were talking about your case and we were kind of wondering if he asked for your driver's license or i.d.?  Can you say, you don't have one on you? You were just going out for a bike ride? 


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