Got my bike winter uniform--just in time for first snow!

I am not going to win any style awards for this get up, but when I know I will be on the road for a while in blustery conditions, this uniform never fails:

smart wool socks
breathable rain paints over pants
wind proof/waterproof boots 1/2 size too big for toe wiggling and thick socks
silk undershirt
waterproof shell with pit zips
glove liners
wind proof glove/mitt combos
waterproof panniers

Perfect, fast, not too sweaty commute to school with Miguel this morning and he was snug as a bug in his trailer.

Remember to check out Holly's blog on her first bike winter. . . these are the days she will need encouragement.

happy december! Thanks to Ash Lottes for snapping the photo outside of school.

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You win for WARM style. :)
Hi Gin! You look like cool bike winter style to me! Jenn.
That's a very nice looking jacket. Much more sytlish than my bright yellow.
and nice panniers!
Actually, your red motif is very well executed. The trailer fits in there as well.
You should be on! It looks like you have clip in pedals, but your boots don't look like they have cleats....
Thanks, ya'll! Mark-my pedals have clips on one side and are flat on the other side. One of my best cycling investments.

Jami--I just can't do the yellow jacket. I did have one when I first started biking year round, but I hated the color on me. I figure since it is something I will wear 4-6 months of the year, I might as well like it. This one is a marmot (s?) shell. Does not have a super long tail or reflective elements, but otherwise it is great. I might add some reflective tape.

I also recently invested in a dressier, warmer, longer coat for shorter rides and walking. I refuse to be cold this winter!


Mark Newald said:
You should be on! It looks like you have clip in pedals, but your boots don't look like they have cleats....
Gin, then you'll be happy to know that I found a slightly longer pit-zip wind breaker at Salv Army today to replace my bright orange crossing guard one. The hood even has a visor flap which I never even knew I wanted until I wore it out in the bright sun today.


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