Goodman Theater shoveling snow into Dearborn PBL- Resolved for now, thanks.

As reported on another thread...

Please call 312/443-3811 and choose X 174 (Mark Kozy, facilities manager) and report back here on whether you spoke to him or left a message.

Sample script, if needed-- "Hi, my name is _______________ and I was hoping I could get your help in finding a way to avoid having the snow from the Goodman Theater shoveled into the new protected bike lane."  Etc.

Please report back. I'll let the thread die when 5 people have reported on their call.

Edit-- acceptable response from the Goodman-- call off the dogs for now.


Edit 2/5: No follow-through.  Please call/e-mail again.


Edit- resolved for now.

Views: 980

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Since the lakefront trail is probably useless below Oak street I'm going to use Dearborn heading north  tonight.  Hope it's clean!

Generally speaking, valets and snow shovelers do not get paid to think.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

That very well may be true, but it doesn't excuse them for not using common sense. Just because no one has complained about something doesn't make it okay to do. The valets and snow shovelers should know better.

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

It's also a large operation. The person who answers PR emails probably has no clue how snow gets shoveled or how the valet sets up their staging area until some complaint makes them look into the issue. It's important to bring up issues like this with management because otherwise they'll never know that a problem exists, but give them the befit of the doubt that they hadn't thought about the issue until you asked the question.

Without doing any research, how many of you would know where your office puts its snow?

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

Not malicious, just lazy/apathetic. 

Keep in mind that this is also the same business that was valet loading in the bike lane a few weeks ago. They seem to be becoming a repeat offender.

As of this morning, the "snowy issue" still has not been rectified – the snow is still piled up in the bike lane. I suggest we do another round of calling/emailing.


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