Attention cyclists! The weekend is upon us, so you, like me, will be out there riding. And, inevitably, some of you will pass me on the road. That's ok. But when you pass me, I want you to know that I prefer a gentle "good morning" rather than a loud "on your left!'. The former usually results in a pleasant smile from me; the latter results in me saying something like "on my left? Really? Cus you would have to be retarded to try passing me on the right." You have been warned. :)

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How about harmful, self centered douchebag with no sense of decency to those in society who already get treated like shit?

James BlackHeron said:



Call me whatever the fuck you want to call me.  I can't (and wont) stop you. 

Michelle Milham said:

Just say "person with disabilities." It is what they have requested be used. Is it that freaking hard to obey a request? Why must you go making up your own random crap to call them instead of just calling someone what they have asked to be called? 

Your name is James Blackheron. But I think Jimbob suits you better. 

So, Jimbob, I'm going to call you Jimbob. I don't really care what you want to be called. Jimbob is better.  

h' 1.0 said:

I was very harshly chastised by someone in the "disability community" a few years ago for letting the words "differently abled" leave my lips....

James BlackHeron said:

 people who going to compare the less differently-abled in society to the more differently-abled.  

When someone says "You just hurt me." Do you say "No, but I didn't, you see, because I think that I was right and therefore I am?" 

No. So basically you're kicking someone who's already lying on the ground, they're saying "ow, that hurt!" and then you're explaining WHY EXACTLY they deserved it, instead of apologizing and helping them up. 

Maybe it's time for moderators to step in and close this thread? It is well beyond it's best-before date.

Queue comment about me attempting to suppress free speech in 3,2,1,....

I don't like where this thread is going either, so I agree with Duppie.  Close it down before it gets even worse. 

Oh you don't like being told to be a responsible human being? Im shocked. 

James BlackHeron said:

I don't like where this thread is going either, so I agree with Duppie.  Close it down before it gets even worse. 

Oh, you didn't catch the irony?

I too, am shocked.

I am sticking up for a minority. You are sticking up for ignorance, claiming "free speech!" which... obviously you don't understand that ammendment either. Would you like me to explain it for you? 

It's about the GOVERNMENT not being allowed to supress your speech. It's not about other people not vehemently critiquing you for being a totally and utterly ignorant asshole to those that are already on the top of society's "kick when they're down" list, just because you don't think anyone should "tell you what to do." 

I shouldn't NEED to tell you what to do on this issue. You should listen to the people who are affected by the issue, who have asked and asked and asked for you to stop. But you aren't. SO I will tell you you are really not a nice person. 

James BlackHeron said:

Oh, you didn't catch the irony?

I too, am shocked.


Nick G said:

Ohhh another score for you : implied sexual violence!

You are drivel.

James BlackHeron said:


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