The Freakonomics of Human Fuel Economy

I challenge anyone to live off of $2.50 worth of food a day and ride at 11.9 mph everywhere they go.

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"The only way I can beat the economy of my Prius is to bike and fuel that bike ride with ultra-cheap food sources."

Oh, right, because the fuel economy of your car also reflects super-low insurance payments, right? Or do you not even have to pay for insurance, because you certainly haven't taken that into account? And do you have to pay to park that car with great fuel economy?

Sounds like someone is missing a few other variables in the equation.
I am no scientist, but their thinking seems very flawed. If you want to talk about energy use, don't compare the cost of food to cost gallons of gas.

Energy to run car vs. Energy to ride a bike. Here is how my simple mind thinks of it (with their numbers)

Biking at 12 mph = 240 Cal/hour
Driving 30mpg car at 60 mph = 2 gal/hour or 62,000 Cal/hour
or - at 12 mph = .4 gal/hour or 12,400 Cal/hour

Sure it may cost more to ride your bike than sitting on your butt, but a car costs way more.
yeah, a cyclist is probably going to eat three meals a day to have the energy to ride a bike, but isn't it likely that the Prius driver will also eat three meals a day. you need to eat to live. a cyclist puts his food to better use, while not spending money on gas. a Prius driver spends money on food and gas.
LMAO Mark!

M.A.R.K. said:

Keep in mind that the author is not attempting to determine the total cost per mile, only the energy cost per mile. That's why major factors like insurance and depreciation are left out.

Unfortunately, the author makes the mistake of equating energy cost per mile with efficiency. on2wheels points out above that bikes are much more efficient on a calorie per hour of operation basis . The conclusion I draw from all this is that gasoline is really cheap energy compared to food. Seriously. 62,000 calories in two gallons of gas? If food cost that much per calorie, you eat for two dollars a week.

[edit] wait . . . how much is bio-diesel?
Agreed. I think the underlying message is that we need to find more energy rich food types. Or we can start drinking rocket fuel... But I'm guessing most of us imbibe enough ethanol as it is.
and the prius guy likely to be sitting at the McD's drivethru...a whole 'nother cost to consider

Mark said:
yeah, a cyclist is probably going to eat three meals a day to have the energy to ride a bike, but isn't it likely that the Prius driver will also eat three meals a day. you need to eat to live. a cyclist puts his food to better use, while not spending money on gas. a Prius driver spends money on food and gas.
To quote the late Phil Hartman from Newsradio: "Rocket Fuel malt liquor! DAMN!"

Ryan said:
Agreed. I think the underlying message is that we need to find more energy rich food types. Or we can start drinking rocket fuel... But I'm guessing most of us imbibe enough ethanol as it is.


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